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I woke up in my own bed. I was confused as I sat up. How....When.....



I shot up and looked around while freaking out on the inside. Holy crap! What happen?! How did I get in my bed?! I swear I was on the ground, bleeding due to the beating I got from Dave last night. Wait.....Where's Ethan?! I went on a panic spree. I ignored my pains and ran out.

"ETHAN?!" I screamed as I ran around the house, looking for him. "Ethan!!"

I heard a loud scream and a wailing sound. Ethan! I ran into the basement and banged it open. Ethan was in the corner of the room, cowering under Dave's towering and drunk body. He is looming over a crying Ethan with his belt raised. Mom was watching, quietly. Rage consume my entire body. I ran forward and grabbed Dave. I let out an angry roar as I flipped him. Dave let out a shout as he smashed onto the ground. I am done with this shit. I picked up Ethan and bolted out of the room. I slammed it shit and locked it outside. There is pounding on the door.

"YOU BITCH!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" Dave screamed inside.

I ran up to my room and grabbed all of my stuff and Ethan's. Ethan was crying as he held onto me, tightly. I dumped all of my stuff in the bag with Ethan's and ran out. There is a loud crack as Dave attempts to break the door down. I grabbed the keys out of the box that I hid under the sofa and ran outside. The door bang on the wall and I ran inside my car. I quickly seatbelt Ethan and got in the driver's seat. I locked the doors and Dave ran out, furious. I stuff the keys in the ignition and drove off. Dave followed behind me. I called up Angel.

"Hell-" she started when I interrupted.

"Angel, can I stay over at your place please? I'll explain but right now isn't the time and I'm desperate." I yelled as I drove faster.

"Oh! Oh yeah! It's 8376 Honey Willow Street." Angel responded, alarmed.

"Thanks. I'll be there in 5 minutes or so." I said as I made sharp turns.

I hung up and focused on driving. I looked back every now and then to make sure that Dave isn't following me. He wasn't. I sped to Angel's house address and reached the place. I shot out and rang the doorbell, rapidly while looking back every now and then to make sure that Dave isn't there. I saw his car and pressed the button even more. The gates opened and I got in my car. I zipped in. The gates closed and I parked my car. I leap i to the bushes and hid there as Dave drove past, looking for me and Ethan. I could feel my heart thump in my throat. When Dave was gone, I let out a shaky sigh of relief. I got up and stumbled to my car. My entire body tremble as I pressed my forehead against my car.

"Damn it!" I shouted and smashed my fist on the car.

I couldn't protect Ethan. He got hurt because of me. The dried blood on my arm was pretty noticeable. I looked in the mirror and chuckled. Actually....I look horrendous. I opened the door and unbuckle Ethan. I held his hand and turned it to see no mark. I lifted his shirt up to see no mark as well. I turned his face and stiffened. A red mark or a bleeding scar on his neck.

"What happen?" I whispered, heartbroken.

"Big, fat, meanie hurt me with his sharp, silver thingy. It hurts." Ethan sniffed.

I hugged Ethan, tightly. I was shaking as I hugged him. I broke. I was crying as I hugged Ethan. He got hurt. It's my fault. My fault. My fault. My fault. I picked up my bags and walked up to the door. I knocked and Angel opened the door. Her eyes widened in horror. I stumbled towards Angel and pressed my head against her shoulder. Angel screamed for the twins and they ran down. They quickly helped me in and sat me down on the sofa. I wouldn't let go of a crying Ethan. Adam brought the first aid kit. Xavier picked up my bags and took it up to the guest room. Angel is crying as she looked at my bloody body. Adam wrapped and cleaned up my wounds with pursed lips. I was shaking as I wrapped up Ethan's wound.

"What happen?" Adam asked as Xavier came down.

"Dave Colton." I murmured.

"That arrogant oil boss guy?" Xavier asked as he rubbed Angel's side, trying to calm her down.

"Yeah." I said. "He's married to my so called 'mom'."

"Weird." Adam muttered.

"He pretends to make us look like a happy family on the outside but on the inside......it's hell." I said and winced as Adam sew up one of my wounds.

"How so?" Angel asked.

I gave her a weird look. "Abuse. He abused me and I took every single abuse to protect Ethan. He's a little kid and he needs a better life than this." I said. "Please don't tell anyone or tattle on Dave. He's going to kill me." I had a pleading look in my eyes.

"Fine." Xavier said. "You and Ethan will be staying here from now on. I don't want you to go back there to get abuse at all."

"Yeah. I know. Thank you." I said and gave him a weak smile. "I really appreciate it, Xavier."

I placed Ethan down and he walked up to Angel. He hugged her while sniffing.

"Tank you." he sniffed.

"I can babysit him if you're in one of your races." Angel offered.

"That'll be great. I'll find him a tutor. I don't think it'll be safe for him to be out at preschool right now. I'm going to take online classes for now before going back to school as well." I said.

"My friend is a tutor. He can come over and tutor your brother." Adam suggested.

"That will be needed. Thank you." I said, grateful.

I slowly got up and groaned in pain. Xavier helped me up. I held my hand out and Ethan grasped it. I limp up to my room and walked in. I placed Ethan on the bed and he instantly fell asleep. I stared at Ethan before flopping down besides him. I tugged Ethan's small body to my chest and fell asleep.

Winter: I don't really feel proud of this chapter. *sigh* It's too dramatic, I think.....

Anastasia: ......

Aiden: .....*breaks into tears* SO SAD!!!

Winter: Aiden doesn't know about this yet though....People!!! This is BACKSTAGE!!! It's not part of the story!!! Anastasia! Say the ending lines! You too, Aiden!

Aiden and Anastasia: Don't forget to vote and comment away! Bye!!

Winter: *waves before closing the curtains and trips over something* Owie! I stub my toe!

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