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Anastasia's POV

I am currently taking a shower when I heard the door open.

"Nancy? Is that you?" I called while washing my hair. "Ouch! Soap enter my eyes."

The door opened and some stepped in.


I washed the soap out of my eyes and blinked. It's Aiden. I screamed and covered my parts.

"Aiden! What the hell?!" I screamed.

"Shhh!" Aiden hissed as he covered my mouth.

I bit his hand. He yelped in pain. I kicked him out of the bath and finished showering, huffing. That boy is so horny... I walked out of the bathroom, cleaned. Aiden walked in and I made sure to kick him on the way out. I was in my room, doing my homework when Ethan came in. He plop down on my lap, hugging me. Aiden came in. I have never seen Aiden this jealous before... Jealous with a kid...

"That's not fair!" Aiden complained.

"He's a kid. Not some 18 year old adult." I said, rolling my eyes.

"B-B-But you're my girlfriend!!!"


"So mean..." Aiden sobbed.

Ethan is clinging onto me, satisfied. Aiden is glaring at Ethan and grumbled to himself.

(Time Skip)

We were all at the beach. The Colemans are here as well. Angel and I hugged or tried to hugged but her pregnant stomach intercept our hug. We both laughed and talked while carrying the bags. We were sitting on the sand in our bathing suit. Aiden is staring at me with lust in his eyes. I ignored him while talking to Angel.

"So not fair.... Making me pent up like that..." Aiden grumbled.

"The ocean is cold for a reason, darling." I said, sweetly. "Now go and take care of your situation."

"Meanie.." Aiden grumbled as he walked off to the ocean.

"You know... Someday... he will jump you..." Angel said, looking at me.

"Angel... Why do you think I have a taser and a baseball bat in my room?" I asked her.

"Ah.... I pray that Aiden won't have a concussion then." Angel said as she nod her head.

"To be honest and no offense... I don't want to get pregnant early." I chuckled.

"What's wrong with having a kid?" Angel asked, pouting.

"Too much work. I already have my own kid." I said.

"So later?" Angel asked with her hand on her bloated stomach.

"Yeah." I claimed with a smile on my face.

Angel giggled and leaned back. "You're going to be so excited when you have a little one in your stomach."

"I can't wait either. Ethan is going to be an uncle and all." I giggled.

Aiden's POV

I was watching my girlfriend laugh with Angie. Adam and Xavier were bouncing the ball back and forth to Jordan, Dylan, and Noah.

"So... Want any kids?" Adam asked me.

"Of course I do! I want a boy who looks like me and a cute little girl who looks just like Anastasia!" I said, excitedly. "But.. we haven't had sex yet."

"Ah... your girl is the type who prefers to stay pure until after marriage, huh." Adam chuckled.

"Yeah...." I sighed.

"Don't worry. It's good to wait." Adam said, smiling at me.

"What happened to you waiting?" I asked, looking at him, accusingly.

Adam blinked and pointed to Xavier. "He started it."

"Oi! Don't point fingers when you didn't resist either, wise guy." Xavier said, scowling at his twin.

"Well, you did started it."

"So? You joined!"

The two were now bickering. Angel and Anastasia were looking at the twins before shaking their heads.

"Boys..." the two sighed.

Winter: *points above, furiously* PROGRESS!

Aiden: *looks above and nods head* I see. *gives Winter a thumbs up* Good job.

Winter: Oh yeah.... This book is gonna end soon... like a chapter left so.... next chapter is the end of book 2! Book 3 will be coming out soon for 2018 - 2019! *whoops in the air* I promise this third book will be more interesting than this one!

Noah: Ah... *puts on hat and picks up suitcase* the moment has come...

Winter: *locks door with evil look on face* Nope! Don't worry. This character is super duper nice. You'll love her!

Noah: *sarcastically* Whoopie... I can't wait... It's actually going to be someone with the same personality like Anastasia right? She has a shitty personality.

Anastasia: *spits out water* WHAT YOU SAY?!

Aiden: *pounces on Anastasia, holding her down* Phew! Got her this time...

Winter: Sorry, Noah! You just gotta wait! Our star couples of this book! Say the ending lines!


Winter: Wrong line...

Aiden: Don't forget to vote and comment away! Bye!

Winter: Correct line! Anastasia... You have failed me...

Anastasia: *spits at Winter's feet* You have failed us a couple times...

Winter: BYE! FORGET WHAT SHE SAID! *closes curtains quickly*

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