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Anastasia's POV

I was looking around now. It is my third day so I was wearing a boot for my ankle. Goodbye, stupid crutches! Anyways, I was at Aiden's house. Nancy showed me around and took me and Ethan to our rooms. It was separate but our rooms were next door. It looks like Nancy also decorated both rooms cause it looks nice. Really nice. Our clothes were moved in already. I need to buy more clothes for both Ethan and me. Ethan is playing with Anya and the twins, Greyson and Nathan. I was looking at the books about cars and racing. I poked my bed and sat down before laying on it. My eyes brightened up and I flipped over on my bed with sparkles in my eyes. It's so soft and fluffy! Oh my gawd!!! I had my racing outfit in the box, in the closet. 

"How's the bed?" Greyson asked me. He saw me laying on the bed while hugging the fluffy pillow. "Never mind."

"Kids! Dinner!" Nancy called.

I shot up and placed my pillow down before walking down. Ethan is looking around for me and struggling in Nathan's arms. He is about to cry, too. Nathan is struggling to not drop Ethan. I walked down and Ethan began to wail and hold his arms out to me. I took Ethan out of Nathan's arms and rocked Ethan, calming him down. I carried him into the dining room. Nancy and Henry looked up before smiling at the two of us.

"Thank you for letting us stay here with you guys," I said to them.

"It's no problem, honey! I hate to see an abused child!" Nancy chuckled. "Sit down and eat! Eat a lot."

I sat down and placed Ethan down on the chair. "Ok, little man. What do you want to eat?" I asked him as I picked up a bowl.

Ethan pointed to the roasted chicken and mash potatoes. "Chicken and mwash potatoes."


I got him his food and placed it on the table. I got up and picked up some books. Ethan got down and I placed the books on the chair. I picked Ethan up and placed him on top of the books. I pushed the chair in and tied a napkin around his neck before letting him eat. I got my own food and ate while watching over Ethan, protectively as he ate, messily. 

"So how old is he?" Nancy asked as she ate a piece of broccoli.

"Ethan is 3 years old. He's turning 4 soon so.... next month on February 14." I said.

"So... you don't have birthday parties?" Anya asked me as she looked at me with her eyes wide.

"Anya! Don't ask that!" Nancy gasped while Henry snickered. "Henry! Laugh again, you're sleeping outside!"

I was silent. "Huh... Ethan never had birthday parties. You don't have to throw one for him when he turns 4. I stop having them once I hit 15." I responded. "It's really ok though... Ethan doesn't really like large crowds or too many noises."

Ethan tugged on my shirt sleeve. "Momma, I done."

"Ok, dear. Woah...you finished everything?" I said, surprised as I looked at his plate before to him. "And you're... messy. Hold on."

I scarf the rest of my meal down and wiped my mouth. "Thank you for the food. I have to give Ethan a bath now." I said and picked up the plates.

"Oh! Just leave them there, honey! The maids will clean it up." Nancy said to me, quickly.

"I would feel guilty," I responded and placed Ethan down. "Come on, squirt. Take your plate."

Ethan did what I said and we walked to the kitchen. Ethan handed me his plate and utensils. I placed them in the sink and washed them before taking Ethan up to the bathroom. I filled up the bathtub and made sure to put in bubbles for Ethan. He never had a bubble bath before. One, it's because Helen doesn't have bubble soap and two, Angel only has regular soap. She has bath bombs but I didn't want to use them cause they're her's. Ethan's eyes widened at the bubbles. I stripped him and placed him in the warm water. He squealed and began to play with the bubbles, happily. 

"Bwubbles! Bwubbles!" he squealed.

"Yeah. Bubbles, Ethan. This is a bubble bath. Do you like it?" I asked him, affectionately as I washed his hair.


I chuckled and scrubbed his body. "Close your eyes."

Ethan listened to me and I rinsed the soap off his body. I let him play in the bubbles for a bit more before cleaning up and rinsing Ethan off. I wrap him up in a towel and got up. I wipe his body dry and blow-dry his hair before walking out with a naked Ethan in a towel. I clothed him in his dinosaur onesie and lightly tickle his sides, making him squeal and laugh. I smiled at him and put on his pull-ups before putting the legs of the onesie on. I zipped up his onesie and picked him up, kissing his forehead.

"My little boy is now squeaky clean!" I cooed. 

Ethan giggled and hugged me, kissing my nose. I smiled at him, lovingly before walking down. I placed him down next to an excited looking Anya who immediately began to play with him.

"I'm going to take a bath. Can you watch over him, Anya?" I asked Anya.

"Ok!" Anya chirped.

"Thank you," I said, smiling at her.

I straightened up and walked up the stairs. I bump into Aiden's chest by accident.

"Sorry," I said, distastefully and went around him.


I walked to the bathroom and took a bath. I walked out smelling like lavender. I love the smell of lavender, by the way! I slipped on my sweats and a tank top before drying my hair. I finished and brushed my hair, humming. I looked at the time and sighed. I walked down with my brush stuck in my hair. The twins snickered at the sight of my hair. I picked Ethan up.

"Time for your milk." I hummed.

"No wike miwk."

"I don't like milk either, kiddo but you have to drink it and I don't," I responded as I pour him a cup of milk.

Ethan scowled but he drank his milk. He handed the cup to me and I cleaned up. I carried Ethan up to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. I finished brushing my hair and brushed my teeth. I picked Ethan up and walked to his room. I placed him down on his bed and tucked him in. I pushed his hair back and kissed his cheek before turning the lights off. His ceiling has glow-in-the-dark moon and stars. Ethan yawned and slowly went to sleep. I walked out and closed the door, quietly to not disturb him before going to my room. I took out my laptop and enrolled Ethan in another preschool that is closer here. I finished and closed the laptop down. 


I looked up to see that it is Aiden. He is leaning on my doorway. I have to thank him.

"Hey. So...um.... thanks for letting me and Ethan stay here." I said, uncomfortably while rubbing the back of my head. "I really appreciate the help." 

"It's no problem. I just came here to say.... um.... sorry." Aiden said.

"What for?" I asked, confused.

"For... insulting you and stuff..." Aiden responded.

"Oh. That? It's nothing and it's my fault. I guess I started the fire first." I chuckled. "I have trusting issues after what happened before."

"I understand," Aiden said giving me a small smile. "So... want to start over?"

"Sure," I said.

Aiden cleared his throat. "Hey. I'm Aiden Adams and you are..."

"Hi. I'm Anastasia Stone. It's nice to meet you." I said and got up to shake his hand.

We both shook hands with a smile on our faces. We're so starting over.


Winter: Another chapter! Success! Alright! *cheers to herself*

Aiden: I think she's trying to make up for the times she was gone....

Anastasia: Yup. 

Ethan: I say ewnding lines!

Anastasia: Go for it, buddy!

Ethan: Dwon't forgwet to vote and comment away! Bye bye! *waves at the readers*

Anastasia and Aiden: *grins and waves at the crowd*

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