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I was driving to the Coleman's home now. Jace is sitting besides me. I had the black skin tight jumpsuit on right now. I didn't think that I would have time to change into neater outfits for this party. Jace is dressed up in a suit and tie. I was almost at the Coleman's house. I did win the race though. I parked my car at Coleman's house and got up with my helmet on. I locked up my car and walked up to the door with Jace. I knock on the door and took off my helmet as Adam opened the door for us. We walked in and I took off my knee length black boots. Angel is talking with her mom as she had her hand on Angel's stomach. 

"Hey, Anastasia!" Xavier called to me.


Ethan tackled me around my leg. Helen came after Ethan and hugged me with a smile on her face. I placed my helmet on the table and handed Angel a gift. She opened it and squealed.

"Homemade mustard covered pickles!" she squealed.

"You made that?" Xavier asked me, looking at me with disgust on his face.

"Sadly.... I put gloves on while making that with a swimming mask over my nose and mouth cause I hate the smell of pickles and anything that has to do with pickles." I said, wrinkling my nose and covering them as Angel opened the jar to eat them. "Ugh.... watching her eat it makes me sick..."

"I like pickles!" Ethan shouted, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Ewww..." I blanched.

"Want some food?" Adam asked me.

I shook my head. "Нет, спасибо... Я чувствую себя больной..." I muttered in Russian.

"She said no, thank you... I feel sick already..." Aiden translated.

"You're getting better at Russian." Jordan said, wiggling his eyebrows at Aiden.

Aiden blushed and muttered something before turning away.

"Did you feed Scar?" I asked.

"Yup!" Anya chirped. "He scratch Aiden's hand!"

"Wow.... Your hatred for cats is making cats hate you." I snickered as Aiden scowled, darkly.

"Shut up and why are you wearing a skin tight jumpsuit?!" Aiden snapped.

"I just finished a race." I said as Ethan is playing with Angel and Helen.

"How was it?" Noah asked me as he walked in.

"Oh... hey Noah." I greeted.

"She owned it!" Jace boasted, proudly.

"I'm going out to check the engine while you brag..." I deadpanned and walked out before turning to Ethan. "Want to come, Ethan?"


Ethan got down Angel's lap and ran to me, grabbing my stretched out hand. 

"Actually... I'm taking Ethan out to buy something." I said. "Do you guys want anything?"

"I wanna come!!!" Angel yelled and ran out before poking her head in. "Can I?"

"Go ahead." Xavier chuckled.

"I'll keep her safe." I swore and walked out with the two. 

We got in my car and drove off to the mall. I bought Ethan some stuff that he wanted. Angel is picking out outfits for new mothers. I paid for them and put them in the bag for her. I was about to walk into the shop for car parts when Angel grabbed my hand and dragged me into a store filled with dresses. She wanted to dress me up. I let her. I was depress though. She squealed as I came out in a short dress that is at mid thigh. She snapped a picture as I ran in to change. I put on my outfit and ran out, dragging the two out. We were in the car parts shop now. I pick out some car parts needed and paid for them before walking out, satisfied. Angel got hungry and picked out her food. I was waiting in line to pay while she pick out a table with Ethan. I leaned on the wall, waiting for the order.

"Well, well, well... Look who we have here?" sneered a familiar voice.

I glanced up to see Dave standing with Mom. I scowled at them and crossed my arms.

"Oh.... you two." I scoffed and turned to the guy, making the food. "Excuse me... Could you please hurry up a bit?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Anastasia, how are you?" Mom asked me, timidly.

"Why do you care? Worry about your husband." I sneered at her as the guy handed the food to me. "Thank you. Here."

"Thank you!"

Mom looked a bit hurt but she deserves it. 

"We were looking everywhere for you two. Ready to go home?" Dave asked, sneering at me.

"As if I'm coming home with Ethan. I don't even consider you my family anymore." I snorted.

I walked off when Dave grabbed my arm in a tight grip that could leave a bruise.

"You ain't going anywhere, you useless bitch!" he snarled as he tightened his grip.

I gritted my teeth and raised my fist. "Lights out, asshole."

I landed a blow in his face, break his nose and.... I think I broke my hand.... He released me, clutching his bleeding nose and lunged forward to me as Mom screamed. I dodge his blows and the police came, holding Dave back while Mom tried to calm him down. 

"You're going to pay for that, you bitch!" Dave hollered at me, pissed.

I took out my wallet and flung a couple bills at his face. "Hope this is enough."

I walked off and grabbed Angel's arm. "Let's get out." I muttered at her shocked and frightened look on her face.

We left and I drove off at high speed. We made it home and we walked in with bags, silently. My right hand is throbbing like crazy. Angel opened the door and walked in with a crying Ethan. I came in the bags and dropped it on the table with a loud thud. I looked pissed.

"What's wrong?" Jace asked, disturb as Angel tried to calm a crying Ethan down.

"That asshole came. That's what happened." I snarled, viciously. "He wants us back. I refuse to go back to that fucking hell hole. He will never stop hunting us down. I'm thinking of moving to a different continent, changing names and everything. It's to protect Ethan."

Jace massage his temple, trying to calm down. "Hold on a bit. I'll send my men to make sure that both you and Ethan are safe. Don't go to school for a while and take online classes. Come over to my place and stay for a while with Ethan for both of your safety." Jace planned.

"He found you already?" Helen asked me as she bounced Ethan, slowly calming him down.

"Yeah. At the mall when I was getting food for Angel. But hey! I landed a punch on him and broke his nose but at the same time broke my hand!" I said as I held up my bruised right hand.

Jace and Helen were both silent for a while.

"I'm teaching Ethan and you self defense..." Jace deadpanned and dragged me to the kitchen.

Jace wrapped up my right hand as I pouted. Aiden came in. 

"She could stay at my place though... We could keep her safe and her dad doesn't know that she's staying at our place." Aiden said.

"I don't know... but if it gets out of hand, call me ASAP." Jace said. "For now, go home in your car. I"ll take Anastasia's car to my place. She won't be participating in any races for a while either."

My right eye twitched. "I'm on house lock with Ethan..."

"Yup." Jace said.

"I refuse to be lock down." I said, firmly.

"hen would you rather have Ethan be in danger?" Jace asked me.

I flinched and grew quiet. I gave up...

"F-Fine..." I croaked out. "For Ethan..."

I walked out and picked up Ethan, hugging him and slowly rock him to sleep. Ethan clung onto me with red, puffy eyes. The party wasn't joyful anymore. It's dead silent and grave. 


Winter: Nothing to say..... Don't forget to vote and comment away. Bye. I'm sleeping now.... *crawls into bed and falls asleep*

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