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I was at college, somehow what, depressed. Why? Cause yesterday, I couldn't believe that Helen ground me so I wasn't allowed to spend time or see Ethan for two days. I'm going to die without my sweet cookie. She knows that Ethan is like my favorite drug to take. An addictive one, to be exact. I groaned and shook my head back and forth. Now is not the time to be distracted. Dylan glanced at me. Yes, people. Dylan is sadly in this class with me, somehow. I swear the machines were jacked up cause there are some scheduling that needs fixing. I was doodling on my notebook. I wrote Ethan's name on my paper and drew around his name, sighing. Depressing moment.

"Boyfriend?" Dylan questioned.

I almost snickered out loud. A little prank. "Yeah."

"He must be a great guy. He sure can handle you." Dylan said.

I'm going to burst. I nodded and class ended. I walked out with Dylan. He  grabbed his lunch and walked with me. We sat down. I bit into my apple and cookie. I munched on my two treats.

"Do you want a sandwich?" Dylan asked me as he offered half.

I shook my head. "I don't like sandwiches that much. If it's bacon sandwich with only bacon and no crust, I'll eat it." I replied just as Aiden and Jordan came and sat down. "I usually save my food so that I could eat with Ethan."

"Who's Ethan?" Jordan asked.

"Her boyfriend." Dylan replied. I'm going to die with laughter.

"You have a boyfriend?" Aiden asked, raising one of his eyebrows at me. "I wonder how they aren't broken up yet. Especially with that attitude of her's."

All of the humor left my body. I glared at Aiden. What the hell is wrong with him? "He loves me a lot, thank you!" I snapped and got up.

I walked out of the school and got in my car. I slammed the door and drove off with an angry expression on my face. Aiden is just so frustrating! I reached home and walked in. Ethan is at Helen's house. I stood outside the door for a while. I was silent before I walked in, awaiting hell.

Aiden's POV (~For the first time in forever!!~ A/N this is going to be when he first met Anastasia)

"Oh come on, D! Can I have some cookie, please?" I whined as we walked.

"No way. These cookies are mine." Dylan scoffed and stuff the entire cookie in his mouth. Asshole.

"Dick." I muttered.

"I do have a dick." Dylan said with his mouthful.

I glared at him. Dylan and Jordan both laugh. "I'm telling Angel on you!" I whined and huffed like a child.

"She does make good cookies." Dylan said as Jordan nod his head in agreement.

"That both you and Jordan ate before I could get any." I muttered.

The two laughed as we walked. Suddenly, I accidentally bumped into a girl. She suddenly spun around on me, furiously. She is rather short. I think estimating to be 5'5 while I am 5'11. 

"Don't you ever watch where you're going, asshole?!" she snapped. 

I turned around and scowled at her. Who does she think she is, calling me 'asshole'? Does she not know who I am?

"It's an accident." I replied, scowling at her.

"Accident my ass! You bump into me, making me spill my food on my clothes, and you ruined it!" she hissed. It's just clothes.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Don't get your panties in a twist. It's just a shirt." I said. Her face darkened and I felt a chill up my spine. Damn...she's scary!

"Jerk!" she snapped and stomped off.

I watched her walk off in a huff. Jordan and Dylan both gave me disapproving looks. "What?!" I snapped.

"You should apologize to her and you should really mean it. That shirt is probably special to her." Jordan said.

"She can always buy another, right?" I mumbled, feeling a tad bit guilty.

"That shirt was expensive. Like 70 bucks, dope." Dylan deadpanned. It's not bad.

"That's not bad." I protested.

"Yeah but what if she is really poor." Dylan hissed. Ok. The guilt came back.

The bell rang before I could say anything back.

(Time Skip)

The next day at lunch, I was walking with the two. There were no more seats except for a table with that girl from before. 

"I wonder why no one sat there with her..." Dylan murmured as he watched her poked the apple.

"Maybe because she's scary!" I snorted.

"You're such a wuss, Aiden." Jordan sighed.

"And you aren't?" I shot back.


"Let's just ask...I volunteer Aiden as tribute! Anoyone who agrees say 'I'. Disagree says 'Nay'!" Dylan said.



"Nay!" I shouted.

"Ok! Aiden, go do it!" Jordan chirped.

"I hate you guys!" I snapped. I felt betrayed.

"Love you too. Shoo! Go ask!" Dylan urged.

I sighed and walked towards the table. I stopped. The girl looked up. I flinched. She has a pretty nasty glare.

"Um...Can my friends and I sit here?" I asked, nervously.

"Do as you wish, jerk." she replied, narrowing her grey eyes at me. Grr!!

I scowled at her and walked off. "She said go ahead but I don't want to sit there." I complained.

"Great!" Jordan chirped and plop down next to her.

He introduced us with Dylan. Soon, they talked for a bit. 

"Oh! What's you name?" Jordan asked.

I watched her blinked. "Anastasia Stone." Her name suits her.

I watched as she snapped harshly at Jordan and got up. She winced in pain. Pain fluttered in her eyes and it went off. I watched her leave the cafeteria. I scoffed and walked off.

"Bitch." I muttered and walked off.

I was in the hallways. Inside, I felt worried for her. I don't know why though. She winced. She's hurt but where?


Winter: Chapter after chapter after chapter........I actually had fun writing this book! Aiden's character is hilarious!

Aiden: *glares at Winter who is laughing* You are a cruel bitch.

Winter: I can be a bitch whenever I want, Aiden. Say the ending lines, Dylan, Jordan!!!

Dylan and Jordan: *takes out microphone and clears throat* DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT AWAY!!! BYE!!!!!!

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