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Anastasia's POV

It has been 3 months since Ethan and I were staying at the Adams house. My relationship with Aiden had gotten close. Dave hadn't been doing anything which is strange but I was still a bit weary. I am at the Coleman's house with a 3 month pregnant Angel. She has been eating quite a lot of pickles.... and getting quite... emotional... The twins were home so they both look tired from their wife's mood swings. They still love her though!

"Y-Y-You don't love meeeeee!!!" Angel wailed for the 45th time.

"We love you very much for the 44th time." Xavier said, exhausted.

"45th." I corrected.

"Sorry. 45th time, love." Xavier said, quickly as Angel's eyes began to well up with tears.

"I hate you, Xavier! Don't touch me!" she wailed and ran out to where Adam is.

"Oh come on!" Xavier shouted as I laughed my head off. "Now I have to sleep in the guest room again... That's 9 times already!"

"Maybe cause you were being a mean asshole to her when you first adopted her or your twin did." I said.

"Maybe this is karma's way of getting back at me..." Xavier groaned. "I'm never going to steal Adam's share of Angel's cookies ever again..."

"I knew it was you, jerk."

We looked up to see Adam scowling at Xavier while holding a sleeping Angel.

"W-When did you get here?" Xavier asked, nervously.

"When you said you stole my cookies." Adam replied. "Asshole."

I shook my head. "Hey... It's better than her pickle flavor cookies." I said.

We all shuddered.

"That goes against the law between sweet and sour." Xavier said, shuddering.

"I have to agree on that." Adam confirmed.

My phone buzz and I slipped it out. It was Aiden.

"So.... when are you two going to date?" Xavier asked, looking over my shoulders.

I flushed red. "Fuck off!" I snapped as he laughed.

"You guys are good together though." Adam said, smiling at me before he went off to put Angel in bed.

"So what did he text you?" Xavier crooned.

"He said to meet him at the park. He has something to tell me." I said and froze. "Why the hell did I tell you?!"

After a while, I was at the park where Aiden told me to meet him. I looked around for him but found a bunch of balloons in Jordan's hands. He grinned and held it out to me.

"Go to the pharmacy store and pick up some pictures. Pretend that I was never here to give you these suspiciously looking balloons." Jordan said, winking at me before leaning in close to me. "Hint, hint! Pop those balloons once you pick up the pictures! Agent Ducky, out.... Peace!"

I laughed as Jordan waddle off, quacking with the ducks. I held the balloons and walked to the pharmacy store. I picked up the pictures and pop them. Helen pop out from behind the register, startling me.

"Congrats on doing your first assignment! Look in the picture box and follow the clues to your next destination! Good luck and here!" Helen said and handed me a single red rose. "Keep this with you. Do not throw it away!"

She pop back down. I blinked. OK? I opened the box and took out a picture of a textbook. Inside is a soft cookie and a familiar shirt. It clicked. It's the shirt that Aiden spilled his food on me on our first day of school! The school campus! This is actually fun! I ran to the school campus and walked in. I saw Adams twins. They grinned when they saw me. They both held a different color rose. Greyson got black while Nathan got white. (A/N: The ying and yang sign. I'm not trying to be racist.)

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