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We were at my old home. Aiden got the camera ready. I walked in.

"Where the fuck is Ethan?!" I shouted.

"I knew you would come for this brat."

I looked up the stairs to see Ethan in the crazy geezer's hands. Ethan is whimpering and hiccuping.

"Si-Si..!" Ethan hiccuped.

"Give him back!" I yelled.

Dave tsked and threw Ethan down. Ethan tumbled down the stairs. I lunged forward and caught him. Ethan held onto me with his head bleeding, slightly. Ethan is sobbing and hiccuping as he held onto me, tightly.

"There, there. I'm here now." I whispered to him as I cradle him.

I didn't notice Dave had came down with a bat and slammed it on the back of my head. I heard Ethan cry out my name as I was going to black out.

Aiden's POV

I was recording everything and watching. I had to hold back my urge to go in there and rip that bastard's head off. We were watching when Dave took action. He hit Anastasia around the back of her head with a bat. Hard enough to knock Anastasia out.

"Anastasia!" Jace shouted.

Jace jumped in and began to attack Dave. I blinked. I looked at Jace's friends.

"Do I stop recording and jump in to kick that bastard's ass or keep recording?" I asked.

"Stop recording would be better... I think him shoving Ethan down the stairs and hitting Anastasia with a bat is good enough." Kace's friend grunted. "We will do the rest. Anastasia stole some illegal stuff that Dave has been hiding from the community. We'll use those documents and other stuff to expose him and ruin him for good."

"Ok. Thanks." I said, handing him the camera.

I ran in. Ethan is crying as he tried to shake Anastasia up. There is blood pooling around Anastasia's head. I called 911. The police came and Jace's friends showed proof and evidence of Dave's illegal stash. He was immediately taken away while Anastasia is taken to the hospital with Ethan. I was waiting in the waiting room. Ethan came out with only a bandage on the bump he had on his head. Ethan is in my arms, sniffing.

"Come on, Ethan... You're a man so men shouldn't cry." I sighed as I patted his back.

"Yeah... says the crybaby..." Jordan snorted. "Kiddo, don't listen to your future brother in law... he cries a lot.. Men are consider brave or strong if they show everyone their crying face every once in a while."

I scowled at him. "Shut up, Hoe-don."

"Piss off, Ass-den."

"Guys... there are children here." Dylan sighed as Jordan and I glared daggers at each other. "If Ethan learns anymore curse words, he'll give Anastasia a heart attack."

The doctor came out, calling us in.

"Don't worry. It's not that bad. Ms. Stone just has a bump on her head. I put 5 stitches on her head so some bed rest and change her bandages daily. Once she wakes up, she can be discharge." the doctor said.

"Thank you." I said, relieved.

Once he left, I sat down.

"At least her skull isn't crack open, right?" Jordan said. "I still wonder how this turned out... I knew you two would be dating! Hah! You owe me 20 bucks, Jake!"

"Damn it." Jake muttered as he handed his brother 20 bucks.

"I can't believe that you two betted on us." I sighed.

"Hey! At least Anastasia isn't scary anymore!" Jordan remarked.

"True." I said. "Wow... we started on the wrong foot and look at us now... we're as close as ever and dating!"

"Yes, darling... that we are... I'm surprise that your dull brain manage to catch up." rasped out a sarcastic voice.


Winter: *sips pineapple juice* Hey... I updated, right? *gets up* Anyways... my calculation a couple hours ago was wrong... this book will end pretty soon. Like... a chapter or two? Don't worry! Book 3 is coming out! I feel like this is a pretty shitty book tbh.... It's a tad bit boring... Welp! The third book will be a bit more interesting! I swear! A princess! Runaway princess!

Xavier: ... *pats Winter's head and walked off*

Winter: *stares at Xavier's back* What's with him? Anyways! Don't forget to vote and comment away!!! Bye!! Oh and I'll put up the information on book 3 soon! like... rn... or after this chapter... just so you guys know.... BYEEE!!!! *waves at you*

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