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I had arrange a play date with Eden for Ethan much to his dismay. I think he's mad at me cause he refuses to talk to me, much less look at me.

"Look. I'm sorry but I refuse to have a socially awkward brother. You need to make friends besides me, Aiden... basically hang out with kids your age." I said as I poured milk into his cereal.

Ethan send me my famous glare at me. It's almost the same.

"I'm not going to change my mind, Ethan. Ms. Anderson will be watching you so no trouble. No tantrums either and no violence." I said as I brushed my hair.

"Are you done?" Aiden called as he poked his head in.

"Now I am." I said and straightened up. " Where's my phone?"

I looked up to see Ethan holding my phone over the bucket of water.


I quickly grabbed my phone and glared at him, furiously. Ethan glared back at me.

"Nancy!! Can you make sure that once Ethan's play date is done, tell him to go to his room and stay in there until I get home?" I yelled.


"Thanks!" I called and glared daggers at a pissed off Ethan. "And you, young man. We are going to have a talk once I come home."

I got up and walked out, angrily. The twins looked up to see me pissed off.

"Sibling issues?" Greyson asked me.

"What else?" I said, sarcastically.

"Are you coming with me or not?" Aiden asked as he looked in, annoyed.

"I'm coming," I said and walked out. "See ya, Greyson, Nathan."


"Finally," Aiden grumbled as I walked out. "We're taking my car."


I got in and Aiden drove off. I was turning on some music when Aiden smacked my hand.

"I get to chose the music. The driver gets that privilege." Aiden said as he switches to Bruno Mars 'That's What I Like'.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't care if the driver gets that privilege or not." I remarked and switched it to 'MIND'.

"No fair!" Aiden complained. "It's the rule though!"

"Honey, I break rules," I snorted. "Are we there yet?"

"We just exited my home street..."

"How about now?"

"It's barely even a minute and you asked that?!"

(Time Skip)

After 2 hours of annoying Aiden, we were finally here.

"We're here," Aiden grumbled.

I shot out of the car. "Freedom-!" I started and froze before I looked around. "Why the hell are we at Golf Land?!"

I couldn't believe this boy! Aiden got out and grinned at the look on my face.

"Ever played golf before?" Aiden asked.

"Used to... with my real, used-to-be alive dad. I guess when I was about... 8?" I said as I tried to remember.

Aiden looked at me with pity in his eyes. "Ethan hasn't played golf before, huh? I feel bad for him."

I rolled my eyes. "Course not. He's only a 3 year old kid who is socially awkward."

"Says the one who gushes over that kid," Aiden said, rolling his eyes at me.

"Did you just rolled your eyes at me?"



Aiden ignored me and walked up to the cashier. He paid before handing me a golf club. I grinned as I pretended to swing.

"I got the ball. Let's go." Aiden said.


Aiden went first and hit the ball. He dot two hits on the ball to go into the hole.

"My turn!" I said and got ready.

Aiden quickly covered his area when he saw me grinning evilly.

"What's with that?" I asked, innocently.

"I know what you're thinking. My dick would love to feel painless today, thank you." Aiden remarked.

"Darn... You said balls so...." I said, trailing off.

"My testicles and golf balls aren't the same thing!"

"Wow! I never knew that!"

"Liar! You evil witch! Trying to harm my poor testicles! They have feelings, you know!" Aiden shouted at me.

"They do?" I gasped, mockingly. "I never knew!"

"They have feelings of pain so hit the golf ball!" Aiden snapped.

I sighed and di what he said. It is very tempting to aim the golf ball at his testicles though. Veeeeeerrrry tempting... I have to fight this temptation though. After a long and torturous game of golf, Aiden and I tied. It was torturous because I had the urge to hit his testicles but, it was fun. We went to a cookie shop called 'Jenny's Cookies' where I bought 10 cookies. My cookies! Aiden watched me scarf down all 10 cookies in my mouth.

"Will you get diabetes for this?" Aiden asked me as he bit into his double chocolate chip cookie.

"Nope. Haven't had one yet." I replied. "Hopefully not though."

"I hope so too.." Aiden muttered.


Winter: HEY GUYS!!! Long time no seee!!!! Sorry I haven't been updating!! I was so busy with school!! Anyways... Valentine's Day is coming up!! *cheers* Another date for me with my pineapples!!!

Anastasia: Why are you so obsess with pineapples?


Anastasia: What's wrong with that?

Winter: *takes up two thick books about pineapples and takes out a long list* Great question! Let's start! Pineapples are the foundation of my happiness and-*trails off about history of pineapples*

Anastasia: Ah... I see...

Aiden: I knew it...

Winter: *takes a pause* I almost forgot! I'm not sure whether to make a Valentine's Day chapter for the twins and Angel or for our current couple, Aiden and Anastasia? Maybe both? Please let me know in the comments! Now... where was I... Oh yeah! *goes on about where pineapples were found*

Anastasia and Aiden: ....

Greyson and Nathan: Just end the chapter already!

Anya: Please?

Winter: *stops* Go ahead... Pineapples are amazing....*goes on about pineapples*

Nathan: *shrugs* Don't forget....

Greyson: To vote and....

Anya: Comment away!

Nathan, Greyson, and Anya: BYEEE!!!!! *waves as the curtains fell*

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