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I was thumping my head on the wheel while my leg is throbbing like crazy. I glared at my right leg.

"This is your damn fault! If you weren't weak enough, then you would never been broken!" I scolded my right leg. "Wait a minute......... Great! I've become a delusional woman! Who the hell talks to their right leg?! I mean, come on! Now I'm talking to myself! Great! Just great! Might as well lock me up in an asylum!"

I sighed. No choice. I drove and parked my car in front of the house on the side. Aiden looked up, curiously when the little girl is pointing. He walked towards the car and knocked on the window. I opened the door and winced. I slowly got out and held onto the door. Aiden scowled when he saw me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, coldly.

"I feel the love. Can I er....stay at your place for a bit? I have a little problem." I asked.

"What kind of problem? I'm not helping though." Aiden said.

I glared at him. "Then why should I tell you, you asshole." I hissed.

He was about to insult me back when someone called him.

"Aiden! Come help me with th- Oh! Who's this beautiful young lady?"

We looked up to see an older woman standing by the doorway.

"Hi Mom. She's just leaving." Aiden said. That's his Mom?

I felt a pang in my chest. I envy him. I want a Mom too but mine's too busy to even give a shit or two about me and Ethan.

"No! She must be starving! Come in!" she called, invitingly.

"Mom-!" Aiden started and stopped when his mother gave him a death glare. "Never mind."

I smirked and stepped out. A sharp pain ran up my right leg and I nearly fell from the pain of my broken leg. I take that back. I did fell. I fell flat on my face on the grass. Aiden burst out laughing.

"How graceful, Stone!" Aiden laughed.

"Shut it, Adams!" I snapped as I struggled to get up.

Aiden's siblings were watching me as I struggled to get up. One of the twins crouched down.

"Hey. Are you hurt or anything?" he asked me.

"Pssh!" I laughed, brushing away the fact that he is asking me if I was hurt when I am. "I'm not, kid. I just...er...am too embarrass that you guys saw me tripped." This is the moment when I knew that I fucked up.

"Ok." he said and helped me up.

I avoided my right leg and held it up. "Let's have a race!" I suggested.

"Ooo! I want to play!" the little girl shouted and got on one of her leg. "I'm Anya!"

"I'm Anastasia." I said.

"Pretty!" she giggled. She's cute.

We both began to race, hopping on one of our legs. Aiden looked at me, weirdly as I hop in. I pretended to slow down, letting Anya win. She cheered as she reached the kitchen.

"I win!" she cheered.

"You sure did, kiddo." I chuckled and ruffled her head.

"Why is your right leg like that? It's sort of crooked." Anya asked, pointing to my right leg. Damn, she's good!

"I had surgery on that leg five years ago cause I fell off the tree." I lied.

"Does it hurt?" Anya asked with her eyes wide.


"It hurts now?"

"Not sure. Should we test it out?" I'm going to regret this.

I placed my right leg down and pain shot through my body. I put on a strained smile.

"D-Doesn't hurt a bit." I strained.


When she was gone and I was alone, I limped to the bathroom or tried to find it. I finally found the bathroom and walked in. I closed the door, locking it before sitting down and carefully pulled up my right pant leg. My right leg is sort of crooked. Damn it. I should go to the doctor. I looked around the bathroom and found the first aid kit. I held it and looked at it. This would do. I took out the bandages and wrapped up my right leg, keeping my bones straight so that it won't grow to be crooked. I tested it out. Hurts a bit but I can still walk normally, I think. I walked out after flushing the toilet. I found my way to the kitchen where I met Aiden's entire family.

"My! You're such a beautiful young lady! Are you a friend of Aiden's from school?" she asked with a warm smile.

"Yes, Mrs. Anderson. I have a class or two with Aiden." I said, politely.

"Oh! Call me Nancy! And your name is Anastasia?" Nancy asked.

"Yes, Mrs- I mean, Nancy." I said.

"It's such a beautiful name! Are you by any chance, part Russian?"

"Yes, Nancy."

"Really? Angel is French!" Nancy said, excitedly.

"Angel....Coleman?" I asked.

"Yes! She used to be Youngblood until she married last year during the summer!" Nancy said.

"I....live with her right now." I said.

Aiden looked surprised. "Angie never told me that."

"Course she didn't cause I told her not to." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Why?" Aiden asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

I gulped. "No reasons. It's a secret."

"I notice how your right leg is broken, deary. Do you want me to take you to the doctor?" Nancy asked, nodding down at my leg. Shoot.

"H-How did you know?" I asked, shocked with my eyes wide.

"Because, Angel used to be abuse back at the orphanage which is shut down today. She always have broken bones but she hides it." Nancy said, smiling at me, sadly before getting up. "Come on, dear."

"Angel got hurt a lot." Anya said, sadly. "She protected us though."

I stiffened and slowly got up. Nancy helped me out. Aiden is watching us from the window. Nancy took me to the doctor and he took an x-ray before putting a cast on and telling me what I need to do. He left for a while and Nancy began to bombard me with questions until I stop her.

"Ask my neighbor. She will tell you everything but please don't tell the others. I don't want people to pity me." I said, quietly. "Thank you. I'll be going home now."

I got up with my crutches and walked out. I got in my car and drove her home before driving off myself. This woman is good.


Winter: I updated.....I really don't know what else to say.... Don't forget to vote and comment away! Bye.....I guess!

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