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When I returned to the room where Rose was I just jumped on bed. 

"Ayee" she screamed. "You just scared me!" Rose added. 

"Awww I'm so sorry my gwiyeoun sonyeo (Hangul. 귀여운 소녀, Eng. cute girl)" I replied to her and hugged her very tight. 

"Did he bring papers for you?" Rose asked.

"Umm, what papers?" I murmured.

"You just said that.." Rose started talking again but suddenly I remembered what I told her. 

"Oh yes yes he did" I eluded and started smiling a bit. She just smiled to me in return and turned her head to the screen of TV. 

I was looking at her all this time while she was watching a movie. Rose didn't see that. Why she is so good to me I started asking myself? She is like one of those girls in a world who are not doing dramas, always so kind and sweet to me. She is already 22 years old but Rose have never had a boyfriend. It is so surprising because girls these days are much more in all those things than some boys. 

I was first for her.. What a good feeling and I can say... so rare. I was sure Rose was a dream of all boys. Sometimes I'm getting angry at her because she is so naive.. The world is cruel sweetie once I said to Rose but she just attached my lips with her finger and said to me stop saying that. Rose always believed the world is a good place and she wanted to make it better. I usaully make a false opinion about people when I'm seeing them for the first time but when I saw Rose I knew she is something better than all bad things who are happening around us. 

And I was right. Not being a confident here.. Just saying the truth.

"You know... When I first saw you I thought you are so conceited and arrogant" Rose woke me up from my thoughts about her and blushed a bit. 

"Me?" I started laughing. "Well, to be honest there is some truth in your words" I was still laughing. 

"I'm sorry about that Jin" she murmured. Rose was looking at me with her innocent eyes and damn how the hell I could be angry at her??

"You don't have to apologize" I replied and kissed her forehead very soft. I could feel the way her heart started melting.

"I have never asked you before but how did you get a job in Mr. Hayun company?" suddenly one more question came up from her mouth.

"Oh.. Since I'm the only one child in our family my parents helped me a lot. They were in business and my Dad's friend was working with Mr. Hayun so he helped me a lot to get a job there. I'm not sure you remember him because he is not working in our company anymore" I replied. "So yes that's my story" I added.

"And what about your parents? They are living in Seoul?" Rose asked again. 

"Yes they do. Just right now they are in Goyang for a short trip" I said. Rose noddled her head and turned her face at TV again. 

"And what about your family? Do you have any brothers or sisters?" I was curious also.

Suddenly silent appeared in our room and all I could hear was an irritable noises from a movie. 

"Roooose?" I asked her again.

"I don't want to talk about that. I'm not ready Jin" she said to me. I didn't understand what she meant by saying this. I guess she had serious problems in her family. 

"It is okay, tell me whenever you are ready" I said and hugged her even more. 

"Thank you.. You are so good to me" Rose replied and I felt something from inside. I don't know what she was doing to me but every time when I was with her she had an ability to awake my feelings somehow. 

She was like a light of my dark soul.

"I have to say thank you for everything" I told and started looking at Rose. I was looking at her till she felt a bit awkward. "But you know..." I started my sentence.

"What?" she interrupted. 

"It is funny but after all this time we spent together I still can't remember where I saw you before. Waah, you remind me of something!" I raised my voice.

"Maybe you saw me in your dreams?" Rose started giggling but I was looking with a serious face. 

"You are flirting with me" I said to her and started smiling. 

"That's not true! You started all this" cutie replied to me and covered her face with her palms. 

Why so cute?? 

"I love you" I said to her and took her hand. She was looking at me with her beautiful brown eyes. 

"I love you too" she crumbled. When I heard this I felt a huge victory inside me. 

Victory. Like always. I can get anything I want and whenever I want. At any place. On any cost. 

Because I'm Kim Seokjin. 

Confidence. It was the most powerful gun I had. My first gun. And the second one was girl near me. 

It was Rose.

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