11 April /23/

117 17 65

I came to the sea alone..

I didn't know why I left her because deep inside I didn't want that. Am I going to loose everything I have? Maybe I already did?

What happened to me.. what happened to all of us that I'm standing here alone now. This is our place, it's where we first met but I was standing alone. It hurts and I didn't know how I can change that. A voice inside told me to do this for a better life for a better future. But why? I always had all I wanted so why this wasn't enough for me. Why do I want more and more. The most important question was why I want to build a life on someone's pain?

She is so beautiful and pure. I could easily say she in angel. A dream of all men. And I won her heart. Why do I want to hurt her? Why I'm running from a fact that I'll hurt her.

I don't want to do this.. I really don't want. I have to stop this but I know it's too late. My brothers who became my enemies now. Or I should speak singular? He will not let me to retreat. They won't let me to retreat.

How much I miss all these days. I'd give anything just to be the same inimitable 7 again.

I was standing still with a picture of all of us which we took a long time ago. I was carrying it all this time in my purse in the most honorable place because they are my family..

they are my family.

after 5 hours*

I was in my car. Only 1 hour left till something we were planning a lot. We are going to rob Roses father house. It is going to be a robbery. I had all things packed already and I had to go to pick my brothers but somehow I was sitting and staring at one spot. My palms were sweating and I felt not so cold wind going through a car window. I was calm but my soul wasn't. But since it's my first time it's a normal feeling huh?

My phone started ringing and I saw a name Rose on a phones screen. I started clutching a rudder of a car. I got lost a bit. When it didn't stop to ring I grabbed it very fast and throw away as far as I could while hitting the speed pedal. Now anger took over me so after 15 minutes I stopped near abandoned house and went out of my car.

I was going around while waiting for Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin.

Finally I saw three silhouettes in the dark.

"Hyung!" Jimin came to me first and hugged.

"Is everything done?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Jungkook is in his position already" Taehyung said.

I grabbed my huge bag from a trunk with all stuff we needed.

"We are going to communicate through rations" I said and gave each to everyone.

"Here is a masks" Taehyung said, took from his bag and gave to all of us as well.

We all have to stick to the plan. The house is empty right now, we will take that painting and we will leave the house like nothing happened. That's it.

"Let's do it" Yoongi added with a very serious face.

"Wait wait.. You all forget the most important thing" Taehyung suddenly spoken. "Here is the guns" he added and half-opened the same bag with a black guns.

I stopped for a while and didn't say anything, Jimin was standing still as well.

"Okay" Yoongi said with a very calm voice and it shocked me a bit.

When we all provided ourselves with a things we needed I just asked if all has watches on their wrists.

now we were ready.


We came to the house and I turned cars lights off.

"The painting is on the second floor, you know all the passwords and don't you forget there is always a plan B" I said.

"Jimin, you are going to be in a car and watch out if everything is calm outside" Yoongi added.

"We all know for what are responsible" Taehyung calmed everyone. "With me you are safe" he added and I knew it's true. It wasn't Taehyungs first time doing something like this. I trusted him, that's why I gave him the most important job. He caulked his gun and was ready to go out of the car but I grabbed his hand.

"We don't need this" I said.

"You never know" he replied and went out.

"Why are you always afraid?" Yoongi replied to me. I wanted to say something back to him but he was faster and went out as well.

"Everything will be fine?" Jimin asked at the back.

"We will leave right after 10 minutes so don't you worry and be ready" I said.

We all put on masks.

It was easy to go in a house because Yoongi did a great job with a lock, he was pretty fast. He was ready like never before, I guess his ego boosting now. I was still trying to understand why he was desperate on doing that.

When I finally stepped in the same house I was feeling strange but somehow relaxed. I remembered the last time I was here with Rose as a couple. I was walking through a huge room while watching some old pictures. I saw my cute little Rose standing with a Santa Claus. She was so happy holding that little rabbit in her hands. She didn't change a lot, she was still that little girl just now she was mine.. I was smiling like an idiot watching all those vintage pictures. Then I saw a very similar picture.. like I saw it before but couldn't figure it out where..

suddenly I heard a loud shot and my heart started beating like crazy. That sound was spreading from the second floor where Taehyung was. I started running upwards to see what's happened.

"Taehyung!" I shouted when I saw him standing with a gun in his hands. He was looking straight at the men who lied on the ground. He was terribly bleeding.

"Let's go Taehyung, faster!" I was shouting but he didn't listen to me.

"Father" he said very slowly and threw away a gun from his hands.

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