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"Leave me alone please" I said to Tae. He was driving me somewhere in his car. I didn't know what is happening since I was drunk as f*ck. I was looking through the window but all I could see was blurred colors and mirages.

"Don't you f*cking hear me? I just want to be alone. Why I'm still in you shi*ty car?" I started shouting at him. "I just hate myself, I hate myself" I was repeating this thousand times.

"Jimin, I need your help" I heard Tae's deep voice when he stopped car. "Come down right now, I'm waiting for you" he added.

"Just keep calm Jin" he tried to calm me but it wasn't working. I was confused like never before. When I got drunk finally everything came out what I was hiding inside. I don't know it was good or bad but I was sure I'll regret later.

"I don't need anyone, I just want to be alone" I told that again.

Everything around me pis*ed me off. Now it was only me in the whole world. I was the biggest problem, I was the only one who thought that the world spinning just around me. Nobody couldn't understand what I'm feeling right now. Maybe they could but they just didn't want to face the truth.

When Tae left me alone in the car I was breathing so hard. My heart was throbbing like wild and I closed my eyes for a while. Too much for me to handle.


Tae's and Jimin's voices woke me up.

Taehyungs home.. I recognized it from the walls. Right now I was laying in his bed.

"He just woke up" I heard sweet voice of Jimin. "How are you hyung?" he asked me and touched my shoulder.

"Don't touch me" I roughly said and retreated from Jimin. I didn't care about their feelings I just said what was right for me. I can guess he hates me right now because Jimin is always very sensitive but I don't care.

I just really don't care. I just want they will leave me alone. My brothers are too good for me, I didn't deserve all this.

"Hyung, take a glass of water please" I heard Tae's voice. He was standing in front of me while stretching his hand out. I had no idea actually it was water or not but it made me even more angry flappable.

"I don't need anything" I shouted very loud and hitted a cup when Tae was holding it. I heard a broken glass sound on the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you" Jimin said to me and started going towards me but Tae stopped him.

"Leave the room Jimin, please" he said.

"But I can't leave you alone with him, he is like crazy" Jimin replied to Tae. "At least let me wait when he will be sober again" Jimin added.

"Please, I need to talk with him" Tae said to Jimin.

"I don't want to talk" I shouted again. "I don't want. I just hate myself."

I was so woozy that I didn't understand properly what I want to say. Words were coming from my mouth from itself and I won't be able to control it. I was shaking my body from right to the left several times.

I saw how Jimin left the room already. He was wearing a white sweater which disappeared now.

I was left with Taehyung..

Just two of us in one room.

Tae was looking at me with his upset stare. He was scanning me from head to toes and it was so uncomfortable.

"What is wrong hyung?" Tae asked me very slowly.

"Bring me Yoongi here, I have to talk with him" I was begging.


"Just call him, I said call him" I was shouting again.

"Okay, okay" Tae replied while grabbing his phone from a pocket.

It was hard for me to understand about what they were talking. It was just a fast chat and I was happy Yoongi will be here as soon as possible.

I hope so. I hope he will be here, I need him right now. I want to talk with him.


"Leave us alone, Tae" Yoongi commanded and he left.

"What is happening? Why did you want to see me?" Yoongi asked.

"I know everything about Jungkook and his sister, you can't do like this" I started. "We are not going to do what I suggested" I added.

"We are going to do this Jin" Yoongi replied to me.

"I offered you this and now I have a rights to cancel everything"

"This is not a game Jin, it is too late. I don't want to talk like this with you but now everything is in your hands" Yoongi said. "You have to choose. Are you going to save Jungkook's and his sisters life or.." he added. "Whatever it is who changed your mind Jin" Yoongi said with a very calm face.

"You piece of s*it" I stood up from bed very fast and hitted him with all power I had inside me. Yoongi retreated from me very fast and checked a place I hit with his finger.

"Keep calm" he said to me. "You are just drunk" Yoongi added and I saw a blood on his finger.

"Oh my God" I said and sat down on the ground. "What is happening with me" I added and covered my face.

"Is everything okay?" suddenly Tae came in our room. "What did he say Yoongi?" Tae asked Yoongi.

"Nothing serious" Yoongi replied while deep breathing and looking through the window.

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