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Sometimes I just do not understand if the world is a good or bad place. I do not understand I belong here or not.. nor do I know how to handle my pain and what life prepared for me. The one thing I've learned is that no matter what, try to be the best version of yourself, be kind and be thankful because you never know.. we never know.. just enjoy the ride

"You know I will not ask for something Jackie, you have been always good for me and I will not forget what you did" older man added and Jackson lifted his head to meet his eyes. 

"Thanks man" he said. 

"For now I only know it was some young kiddos, independent ones" a man said. To be called independent meant that you do not belong anywhere, you are working for yourself. It was a good thing but you had no one to fight for you, in other words you did not have any back who could support you, defend you. You did not belong to any of squads. 

"Big balls huh" Jackson replied. 

"They are probably new ones because no one from oldies would do something like that. Going in to the house, taking the most valuable painting, killing a man and burning the house.. You know, that's crazy. Cops are probably very near to find out everything" he was smoking. "I can easily say they are just a bunch of idiots" he added.

"I did not know I'll have business with some freaks" Jackson laughed. 

"Nobody is doing like that, nobody" older man added. "As soon as I will get more information you will get to know it first."

"I really appreciate it man" Jackson touched his left arm while blowing the smoke from his mouth.

"GO AWAY FROM ME!" suddenly a loud voice came from the bar side. Jackson immediately turned his head and stood up after he saw that the man is trying to kiss a barista. 

"I SAID I DON'T WANT YOU" she screamed again but he was trying again to take her. 

"What is your problem?" Jackson came up and faced the tall guy who wasn't actually taller than Wang. 

"Who the hell are you?" he replied with an angry face. 

"Your father" Jackson replied and smashed his face so hard that he felt on the ground. "If I will see you around her again believe me I will not be so merciful" he pointed with his right hand but the guy stood up after some seconds and left the place while touching his bloody face. He did not say a word. That was powerful. That was a Jackson Wang.

"Are you okay?" he asked the girl.

"I'm fine" she felt embarrased. 

"Rachel.. How many times I've told you not to mess up with a wrong guys? Just have a look around. Take Bobby" he pointed to a guy with some tattoos who was drinking a bear, alone. 

"Or Daniel" he pointed to the one with a black coat who was sitting with his friends. His hair was a little bit longer and he seemed like a really intelligent guy. Not a bad choice tho.

"Or Santiago" Jackson pointed to the loudest guy in the crowd. Once he saw that Jackson is talking about him he started bowing. That was fun to watch. "Despite his hyperactivity he is fine" Jackson smiled. 

"Why do you always choose the wrong ones? Did you forget what he did last time?" Jackson asked. "What if next time I will not be around?" 

"I know.. I know.." she said nerviously. She was sad and felt a little awkward. 

Jackson turned around to go to finish the match. He was thinking that people do not usually changing or it has to be something they could do so?

"Hey" she shouted and Jackson looked at her. 

"Thanks, papi" she said and smiled. Jackson gave her the same pleasent smile and joined his friends after some seconds.


.. and this moment.. when the sun is coming up again, leaving the bright marks on your body and the warm touch.. you just wish you could stay like this forever but this time you beg the sun never comes up again.

It was 12pm already. Jimin started waking up at the studio when Hoseok entered his room with a plate of breakfast. He was climbing the stairs very quiet so Jimin could sleep in peace after such a hard day. 

"Oh..." Jimin made a sound. 

Once Hoseok put a plate near Jimin's bed he came closer. 

"Hyung.." he moaned again. "It hurts..."

"Have some water Jiminsi" Hoseok commanded. 

"I don't want.. I feel like I'll vomit soon.." Jimin said and Hoseok rolled his eyes a little bit. "Oh fuck" he added.

"Don't use bad words Jimin" Hoseok said. 

"I'm sorry hyung" Jimin replied and left his bed somehow. He was holding his head with palms and moaned in a pain. "Oh my God" he suddenly said when he looked down at the first floor. "What happened?" he asked very carefully.

"I only managed to clean the half of it" Hoseok told while sitting on bed, he looked very disappointed. 

"I'm so sorry hyung" Jimin replied. "I didn't mean to.. Did I tell you something about..?" 

"About what?" Hoseok interrupted. 

"Nevermind" he moaned again and touched his head. 

"You were so drunk yesterday.. and you were cursing a lot" Hoseok said.

As if it wasn't enough for his terrible state Jimin's phone started ringing. With a very slow movements he managed to answer the call. For a second it seemed like he is going to collapse any time because he didn't say anything, just stood up.

"I have to go" he said very fast. 

Jimin came to hug Hoseok. He said a few words for how much he is thankful that he took care of him and how sorry he was that he can't finish his breakfast and he promised also to clean up all the mess. And he said lots of 'sorry'. He knew Hoseok is against this kind of actions and that he isn't going to deal with it next time. 

"Yea okay just go" Hoseok said to Jimin. 

"I'm sorry sorry sorry" he shouted for once more.

after 20 minutes he has arrived at Taehyung's place where everybody was waiting for him. Once he entered everybody nerviously looked at Jimin. Yoongi was standing in the centre of the room. He actually did not pay lots of attention to Jimin, he just continued to talk.

"Did you get hit by a car??" Jungkook interrupted. "You look...very bad" Jungkook also added. 

"Can we continue?" Jimin ignored Jungkook who was almost laughing. 

"You smell like a shit" Jungkook replied again when Jimin stood near him. Jimin ignored him again and throw a look to Taehyung but he even didn't lift his head towards him. It made Jimin a little bit upset.

"Since Jin is gone, you all are going to listen to me from now" Yoongi continued. 

Taehyung lifted his head very fast. He seemed suspicious? He did not trust his hyung anymore?

"... and I have found some people who will buy the painting" Yoongi added. 

"What are you saying?" Taehyung raised his voice. "How you dare to decide this kind of things without us? By yourself?" he went closer to Yoongi.

Jimin suddenly remembered the words policeman said yesterday and widened his eyes. But he decided to stay silent, not to tell anyone, even to Taehyung. Everybody were suspected. But for some reasons he knew it is not Taehyung, nor Jungkook. 

"Are you fine" Jungkook asked very quietly and Jimin just nodded. 

"Oh do you have any ideas?" Yoongi shouted back. "We will sell it, we will get some good money for that and we will live peacefully again" Yoongi added. 

Taehyung took his jacket and left the place. He was so furious and you could tell it from the sound when he closed the door.

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