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"So how many?" Jungkook smirked at Jimin. Jimin was a little bit distracted but he came back to his normal self after some seconds.

"Two" Jimin replied with a smirk also.

"Five here" Jungkook smirked even more with a smile and widened his legs and arms.

"You did not make out with 5 girls you punk" Jimin laughed.

"You did not make out with 2 girls neither" Jungkook added still being proud of himself.

"What if I did?" Jimin smiled.

"I'm pretty sure if you did make out with somebody it was just a bottle of whiskey" Jungkook started laughing when Jimin softly pushed him.

"Where all of your strenght suddenly went?" Jungkook asked again.

"I'm just sober and you are annoying me, in fact I have more strenght then you" Jimin told.

"I do understand that some alcohol last night did a huge damage on your brain but since when you are stronger than me?" Jungkook widened his eyes.

"I have always been" Jimin smirked.

"Okay let's measure our arm muscles then" Jungkook then stood up very fast and commanded Jimin to come near the table. He took a very long measuring tape which says 1 meter and started measuring himself. Then he did the same with Jimin.

"See, mine is bigger" Jungkook proudly said.

"What the heck?" Taehyung's voice reached both of them.

"No no hyung that's not how it seems" Jungkook said then while laughing a little bit awkwardly. Jimin was standing still not sure enough what has happened.

"No it's fine, I'm tolerant" Taehyung said picking up the keys on the couch. "See ya" he added and left again.

When he left Jungkook and Jimin both looked at each other and went to the opposite ways. One went straight to the bedroom and the other one to the kitchen.


I reached Yoongi outside while he was still smoking.

"Do you need a lighter?" he asked me. I nodded.

"It's cold isn't it?" he asked again.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him.

"I did what is the best for all of us, you should be thankful" Yoongi replied. I could feel the way my veins exerted and my blood started boiling inside.

"You perfectly know what I want don't you?" I nerviously asked him again.

"That is no way happening" Yoongi did not gave up.

"How come you have changed so fast? I don't recognize you" I stopped smoking.

"Taehyung, brother, keep calm" Yoongi came to me with his cigarette in a mouth and took my shoulders with both of his hands while looking at my eyes. This somehow did not comfort me at all, it made me even more scary.

"Are you fucking stupid?!" I raised my voice and removed his hands from me. "I killed my father, my sister is heartbroken and left all alone, we burned that damn house" I was almost shouting but luckily no one was around us. "I'm telling you for the last time, we will return this fucking painting to my family" I stated.

"Oh, and where have you been while planning all this stuff? As far as I remember you were the only one suggesting us to do this" Yoongi said very calmly.

"You are the real evil here" I said while killing him softly with my eyes.

"You said a lot, but this time I will forgive you.. Because we wouldn't be able to have this painting if it's not you" Yoongi smirked, touched my shoudler again and left me.

I grabbed a gun inside of my jacket's pocket and started squeeze it.

after 2 hours.

I came at my sisters place again. I was going upstairs and thinking whom I became.

I was coming at my sisters place every day since I commited this terrible crime.

I was feeling horrible, every day. This horrible feeling did not leave me not even for a second. I wanted to be executed by punishment. I wanted to take responsibility for what I did. Even though I will be in a jail this won't be enough for me. My soul is dirty, and it won't be clean anymore. The feeling I have is the most painful feeling in the whole universe. I will carry this burden for the rest of my life.

I started knocking the door.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me" I started saying. "Please let me in, you are my sister" I was knocking the door still.

"Just please let me hear that you will forgive me one day and you will never see me again, I beg you" I started shouting and crying. "I'm so sorry my sweetheart I have never been a brother you wanted and deserved. I'm ready to do anything to correct this terrible mistake even for a little bit. Just please let me in and see your face, I beg you.." I was shouting and crying still.

"I'm sorry!!" I felt on the ground crying.

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