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We could feel the intense atmosphere around the room. 

It was Namjoon or Jeongyeon and we knew it. We just couldn't share our thoughts  because at the end it was Hoseok birthday. We wanted to make it special one and the best is yet to come. 

"Hyung" Jungkook said and took a little white envelope from his jacket. "My sister wrote it to you that day when you were found unconscious on the bridge" he added. 

Our eyes started scurrying around because we didn't know how Hoseok is going to react. I was pretty sure if Namjoon would be here he wouldn't let Hoseok take that. I could agree with that but now I saw a rare sparkle in his eyes which made me believe it was the right decision. Hoseokki deserves explanation and everything else in this world. We have never wanted to lose him and we always wanted him to know he has 6 brothers who will support and be with him no matter what. 

"Please take it" Jungkook said one more time and after that Hoseok pointed his gaze towards envelope. 

And he took it. He did it very slowly like he would be doubting it is right or not. 

"Thank you" he managed to say it to Jungkook. We all smiled at the same time like it was a good sign in Hoseok's recovery. 

Right after this Namjoon entered in a room with a huge smile. He was holding his iphone x and immediately came to Hoseok's side. 

"It is my mom, she wants to say some nice words to you" he said and gave his phone. 

"Mom Kim" Hoseok started being so happy and loud. He was very close with Namjoon's mother so he couldn't miss this chance. 

While he was talking Taehyung, Jimin and me looked at each other. We knew it. It was so hard to hide our angry faces. 

"That bitch" suddenly Jimin lost his patience first. Thanks God nobody could hear what he said because Hoseok was chatting so emotionally. 

He stood up and went straight to Jeongyeon room. Jimin was irritated like never before. I have always seen Jimin as a cute and pure boy but if someone made him angry he could kill that person. 

I was afraid of what can happen now so I followed him. When Jimin entered her room he grabbed Jeongyeon hand and threw her phone to the ground. 

"From the first day I saw you I knew something isn't okay with you. For whom you work bitch" he shouted at her face. Jeongyeon was so scared that she started crying but yet no words came from her mouth. 

"I think the best option would be just to kill you right now" Jimin added and started searching for something in his jeans and now I knew it is the time to stop him. 

"What are you doing?" I grabbed Jimin's hand and released Jeongyeon from him. I was on Jimin's side as well but I just couldn't let something horrible to happen today. 

No.. Just not today. 

"She will regret for everything she did hyung" he said while looking in my eyes. "Can you imagine Taehyung let her to live with us, he was so kind to her and trusted her.. I just can't believe" he added.

"I just needed money, I'm sorry" suddenly girl started apologizing. I just wanted her to shut up and leave as soon as possible. All this time when she was crying Jeongyeon was looking at me. Of course.. Who could resist to me?

Yes.. nobody.

"If you won't leave this place I'll throw you as a trash. Oh wait.. You are already a trash" Jimin said and wanted to come nearer but I stopped him. 

"Jiminssi, control yourself" I said. 

We were spending too much time here and I started worrying about people we left. I don't know why but I wasn't worrying about everything what happened now.. maybe because we already know who is the traitor? I was just feeling bad that we thought it can be anyone from our squad. No one from my brothers could do something like this. 

I was extremely blaming myself for thinking it was Namjoon. We all knew he is still working with police since they cought him with Taehyung but naah.. Namjoon isn't like that. 

"What is happening here?" Yoongi opened the door and asked. I didn't like he came here with questions like this because Yoongi now changed a lot. I didn't know what I can expect from him. 

"Why is she crying?" he asked again. 

"There is nothing" I replied him with a cold face but Yoongi was staying still. He wasn't the one who could trust the words so easily. 

"I don't like the way you talking with me" he replied and it made me angry. I left Jimin's side and went to Yoongi. 

When our faces met 10 centimeters distance I was ready to show my power and prance. 

"Go to your girlfriend Min Yoongi or you want I'd spend some free time with her?" I smirked and wanted to go back to Jiminssi but Yoongi grabbed my hand.

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