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after 2 days

silence. darkness. black.

Everybody were sitting, some of them were standing. The room was enveloped with a sadness. It was all around. They weren't smiling, they couldn't even tell properly what was happening inside their heads. Why? It was the only one question I guess.

"We are here at his place but he is not with us" Jimin said. All 6 of them kept their heads down while doing that weird sound clenching their fists.

They had a chance to remember everything what has happened with Seokjin during this time. No.. Not the last moments with him but those first meeting with him, their 'blood swear' together, they even brought an old albums they had at home.

"Who is going to look after me now?" Jungkook asked.

They were drinking and they left one empty shot. It was obviously for Seokjin. His favorite whiskey.

"You know.. I still remember when I was a kid. I had a difficult time back then when I met Jin. My mother just left me and I was struggling a lot. It was hard for me to meet new people, to communicate with them and tell them my feelings. That's why nobody were playing with me.. I had no friends, nobody. But it was a boy who always wanted to play with me, who didn't leave me except that one time when his mom took him at village for 2 weeks" Hoseok giggled. "He once gave me the last piece of candy he had because... He said.. Your mommy said it belongs to you and she wants to remind you how much she loves you" he finished. "My eyes started shining I do remember, it gave me hope that she didn't left me just because she didn't love me."

"He was so little but yet so smart, he was trying to comfort you" Namjoon said.

Jimin stood up and took one of Seokjin's picture from the table. The picture were comfortably standing between candle and the bunch of white roses.

"He is.." Jimin started.

"Worldwide handsome.." Jungkook finished and a few tears just dropped. They were extremely hurted.

"That's what he would say" Hoseok added.

"How we should live without him?" Jimin started tearing up. Suddenly Namjoon stood up and came to hug little Jimin. They both were standing and comforting each other for a good 5 minutes.

"Why did he do that? How we didn't understand?" Namjoon asked. They were blaming themselves.

"Because he was weak" Yoongi said with a pale face. It didn't sound like comforting words but more like 'let's forget what has happened and move on.'

before 2 days


"Where is the ward of Mr. Kim Seokjin?" I asked very politely.

"Down there" she pointed me to go straight till the end of the corridor.

"Thank you so much" I replied.

Once I entered the place I saw a blonde nurse who was talking with Jin. I was hiding a little bit so they wouldn't be able to see me. She was asking how is he feeling, if he needs somebody and if he is hungry. Jin wasn't in a mood to talk with her and it was a signal for me something is wrong.

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