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"Fuck, I don't even know whom to trust now" Tae grabbed his face.  This is crazy, who can be a spy in our squad? Jungkook? Yoongi? I found so many reasons for each other why they would be able to do this. But it was one thing which didn't leave my head.. What happened? Why I do not trust my friends anymore? Something is going on and I don't know what.

"Are you thinking the same thing as me?" I tilted my head towards Tae. 

"Namjoon?" he asked and I nodded. "How it is possible if Hoseok and Namjoon both do not have any clue about our plan? No no.. There is something else" he stood up and started going from one angle to another. 

"Don't worry I have an idea" suddenly Jimin said like a boss while lifting his right arm. We both looked at his side with eyes full of hope.


"Oppa!" I heard a girls mild voice when I climbed to the second floor in shopping center. Rose was running towards me with her little 5 years old cousin. "Oppa" she hugged me very tight when she finally reached me and I did the same just stronger. 

"You don't have to call me like that anymore sweetie" I smiled while touching her cheeks. "Call me Jin from now" I added and she blushed a bit. 

"Oh and what we have here? My little princess Nari" I said with the most softest voice I have ever did and lifted her with my arms. Her name in Korean had a special meaning, it is lily flower. It wasn't surprising at all why she looked like so pure and beautiful. 

"Hello" little Nari told me and wrapped my neck with her little hands. What a cute little angel. 

"You know what? Today uncle Jin want to go with you and aunty Rose to cinema" I said in her big gorgeous dark brown eyes. 

"Really?" she started screaming. "I want to choose a movie, please please" Nari didn't give up.

"Okay okay you choose a movie" I said and let her down. At least I'll make someone happy today I thought. 

"Just be careful" Rose added while Nari was running towards movie section. We were both standing and looking at her with a heavy smile. 

"She loves you and thank you for loving her back" Rose said to me. I directed a glance at her when it was the right time and started exploring her. Everything match so perfect. Her light brown hair, natural plump lips and that shape of face. 

Damn, she is so beautiful. 

"Oh I have to show you something" Rose grabbed her phone and started searching for something. "Since my Daddy invited us next week at his place I want to show you a dress I bought, look" full of enthusiasm exposed a picture for me she kept in her phone. 

"Mmm, you mean this one?" I was pondering. 

"Yes this one! Isn't it beautiful?" she was smiling like crazy.

"Actually.. I don't think so" I was teasing her when suddenly her face has changed. I saw the way tears started gathering in her eyes and how disappointed she became. 

"Sweetie I'm just kidding! Of course it is beautiful" I was smiling in her eyes.

"Let's go to this one!" Nari came back to us with a paper with a huge teddy bear on it. 

"Of course princess but before that I have to meet my friend" I replied. Yesterday I wrote a message for Namjoon that I want to meet him. Hoseok is having birthday the day after tomorrow so we decided to do a small birthday party for him at Tae's place. Seeing that Namjoon is the only one who don't know anything I had to share with him. 

"But uncle Jin I want to go now" Nari started being sad. 

"We will go wait a bit cutie. Uncle Jin is going to call his friend" I replied and took  my phone from coat pocket. 

It was strange that Namjoon is being late. He became very strange these days. After 5 seconds I was calling him.

"Where are you Namjoona?" I asked when he picked his phone.

"Behind you hyung" he replied and it made me to turn around. 

"Brother!" I shouted and hugged him. Finally I had a chance to meet him. I wasn't surprised that Namjoon came together with Hoseok since they have spent a lot of time together now.

"I missed you" Hoseok came to me and hugged also. 

"I missed you also, so much" I answered. "Here is Rose" I showed them and introduced my girl very fast. "Rose, it's Namjoon and Hoseok" I pointed with my hand at blonde guy first and then at brown haired one. 

"Nice to meet you" they said and Rose replied with the same sentence with a smile on her face.

"And this is my Rose's little princess Nari" I added. 

When Hoseok saw this little girl I saw his confusing look and I just realized why. He slowly came to her and gave his hand. 

"I'm Hoseok but you can call me Hobi" he smiled and I was so happy to see him smiling again. It was a good sign he left her to call him Hobi.

"Hello" Nari replied and smiled at him.

"Daebak, she is so cute" he started laughing. "I have always wanted to have kids" Hoseok added.

"You will have, believe me" I touched his shoulder. Oh I would be able to tell him the truth. My heart started aching about the idea he can't be with his child but I was even more sad that Hoseok had no idea he already has a child. 

"Namjoon, I want to talk with you. Just for 5 minutes" I said and gave that smile to Rose that I will be back very soon. We left Hoseok, Nari and Rose alone for a while and went to the other side of cinema.

"Tell me why you both are so mysterious?" I asked. "Just don't lie to me Namjoon, I know you very well."

"I didn't want to say that because of him but now everything is fine. We went for recovery, it took a bit time but now it is okay" he said.

"He will be alright now?" I asked.

"It will take more time, you know things like this not going away so fast. And we should take care of him all the time" Namjoon replied. 

"You are right. Thank you for everything you did brother" I smiled. "And how are you?" 

"You know how am I. Since they cought us with Tae I can't close my eyes when I want to sleep" Namjoon started making a fuss. "I won't be able to live a normal life if they won't leave me alone you understand" he raised voice.

"They will leave you, they said that very soon you'll be free" I started to reassure our conversation. 

"I don't know hyung, I hope so" he answered.

"Anyway, we are having Hoseok's birthday the day after tomorrow so we decided to make a little surprise for him at Tae's place, he deserves that" I proudly told. "Please take him there okay? There also will be Yoongi's girlfriend, Tae's friend. It will be fun" I smiled.

"Of course I will take him, you guys are amazing" he agreed and we both smiled to each other.

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