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I was looking straight being out of my mind completely. I wish I oppose to him but I couldn't. He was still looking at me waiting for my response but words couldn't come out from my mouth. 

That bloody night, that disastrous ride who made me a sinner. I still have the worst nightmares about what happened on that day, it's still taking me back and making me realize my wound is bleeding. 

"I'm not going to do this" I said strictly looking at the officer. I saw the way he became angry so I smirked a little bit even though I didn't want that. 

Oh I just thought angry? Nahh, he was more like a chill sneaky evil. He turned around and went to pick something out of the drawer. Now it made me nervous because I knew he isn't going to let me go that much easily. 

He came to me again holding a picture. "Do you think I forgot what happened on that day?" he asked me. The officer was holding Taehyung's picture. I started squeezing my fists. 

"I know you are brainy Kim Namjoon" he added and it made me angry like never before. I turned around and wanted to leave this place but I realized the exit is locked. I hit the door so hard that it made such a nasty loud sound. 

"I'm giving you 1 month" it was the last words of him when he commanded to finally open the door for me. I couldn't find any words and my rage was so huge I went out and kicked the nearest standing ad close to the building. 

I was standing there for 5 minutes thinking how should I act in this situation. I took out my iphone and started calling. 

"I need your help, will be waiting for you near metro graffiti" I said and went straight to the place. 

Millions of thoughts were crossing my mind but I didn't manage to find the right answer. I wanted to believe it's one last ride on this road so I was ready for that. 


"Such a hard day it was" I said to Jimin while laying on bed with my drink. "How do you think who we are now? The luckiest people on this planet or a criminals about whom a whole Korea is going to talk?" I laughed a bit. 

"I didn't think everything is going to turn like that" Jimin replied and took a shot of vodka. 

"You have always been different from us, haven't you?" I asked him again.

"I guess you are right, but then I met you guys" he laughed. "You guys were those who made me believe I can achieve something and not to be a loser" Jimin added. 

"Did you just call yourself loser because you didn't manage to find a girlfriend?" I started laughing.

"I had more girlfriends than you a can imagine" Jimin raised his voice and it made me laugh. He is always so funny while being angry, that's why I'm teasing him. 

"Keep calm, keep calm" I said and stood up. "I think it's a time for us to have some party, we deserved it huh?" 


"What happened so suddenly?" Jackson asked me. "I don't have any girls for you Namjoon" he added and started laughing.

"I didn't came here to have fun, I need your help" I said and he finally managed to became serious with me. 


"Where we are going?" Jimin asked me but once he saw a club's name he didn't have any questions anymore. "This freakin good place" he added and I smiled.

Once we entered some guys didn't stop looking at us. It made me feel even better because I knew they have missed us.

"Oh Jimin how many memories we left here" I sat down on my chair while putting my right hand up.

"You just turned 21 yo last year about what memories you are talking idiot" he replied and we both were laughing. "Two whiskey" Jimin immediately commanded once barista came. We were pretty drunk already but today is the day to calm down.

"Want to have some happy snow" suddenly one guy came to us. 

"How much?" I asked. 

"I'm in a good mood today so it's free" he said. I stood up and had a look on it first. 

"Thank you" I smiled and cheered him with my whiskey. 

"Something suspicious happening here Jungkook" Jimin said to me but I didn't really pay attention. I went back to sit down and had one more sip of my drink. It was so hella tasty. 

"Why these handsome guys are alone here?" one brown haired girl asked. 

"Who the hell is this bitch Jimin" I turned around and asked Jimin. I was really drunk so I couldn't focus properly. 

"I was waiting exactly someone like you gorgeous" Jimin replied to her and it made me surprised. I have never seen him this much confident before. He went straight to this girl and touched her neck while pushing her hair very softly to another side. This girl was enjoying that. Jimin then went down very slowly and touched her arm. "I like your skin" he added. "Let's go to the toilet" he pushed a girl very gently and took her hand. When he was passing by me I felt he took some drugs I've just got from my jacket. 

and he left me alone. 

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