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No it's... it's fine he says with a sigh. All I want is to be in your life and if all you need me as is a friend. Then that's what I will be....

Ok. What do we do about Rachel?

Honestly, screw her. She a bitch.


It's true. She put the both of us through hell. She threatened us both. Paul whispers.

As true as that is we can't just drop her.

Why not?

Because it's inhuman and mean.

I'm always mean and we aren't technically humans. He points out.

Still. Plus she's Jacob's sister and someone I was really close to.

I know.

There has to be a better way. I say as I take a sip of my hot chocolate and a bite of my cookie.

Well if there isn't we can just tell Billy what she did.

We could. I say

Hey, cheer up. She has nothing on you. Your...your perfect. Paul says with a smile.

Thanks Paul.

I'm sorry for putting you through so much pain.

Hey, you did what you did to protect me. I can't be mad about that.

So, your next tour is in Greece.

Yeah it is. I hope I get some free time to explore the accent city.

I wish we could go with you.

I do too. It get really lonely when your on the road. You really miss your family.

I bet. Hey, did you open the box.

No. Why?

No reason. Paul says with a smile.

What's in it?

You'll find out when you open it.

Fine. I'll open it when I get home.

Ok. Are you here for Christmas?

Yes. I can't wait. We are exactly one month away from Christmas tomorrow. I say with a smile

I know. Let me guess your going to be the one decorating the house top to bottom with Sam?

Of course. I should do a Christmas album filled with my favourite songs! I need to call Crystal when I get home.

You should. Paul says as he parks the car in the driveway and hops out with me on his tail....

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