And If... You simply let me help you ?

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•Chapter 6.



If someone would have told me that I was going to be a prisoner in my own house one day, I would've not believed that person. But here I was in this predicament. Unbelievable.

Two days.

Forty-eight hours.

2,880 minutes.

172,800 seconds.

172,801 seconds.

172,802 seconds.

Yeah, I was that bored. There was not so much I could do at home since they basically transformed it into a prison. I was already so tired to be imprisoned. I felt as if I suddenly became a mouse and they put me in a box, where I could do nothing else but run in circles. Well, more like in squares according to the structures of my house.

I needed to go outside, but the only outside I could see was my backyard. The only things I'd been doing were eating, sleeping, drinking, pooping, peeing and thinking. I couldn't watch TV because they said it could give me ideas that I didn't need to have or whatever. Listening to my music was out of the equation too. Except some Mozart, I wasn't allowed to have a cool jazz or R&B session.

This was some bullshit.

By what Mr. Ignito told me though, I was the main topic on TV and social media, what I didn't like at all. That wasn't the reputation I wanted for myself, I didn't work my ass off for this. Pissed off wasn't a word strong enough to describe exactly how I felt right now.

My name was being slandered out there and for the wrong reasons. I didn't do it.

Worst part in this story was that I was about to lose my job in the NFL too. Not just with my team, but in the whole league. The Cheetahs of Los Angeles were discussing my position in their team as of right now and most were for taking me out of the team. And none of the other teams were really motivated to take me in.

My career, something that I wanted since I was a young kid, was going to be taken away from me and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. At least, not for the moment.

And it was so unfair.

I couldn't believe what was currently happening to me. Did I deserve it ? I was starting to think that maybe I did something and that now I was being punished for it, but I didn't know what it was for. I thought long and hard, and nothing was coming to my mind.

This situation was getting on my nerves. I was innocent for God's sake. The fact that I couldn't use the phone as I wanted to was upsetting me to the core. I had to call someone, a person that could put an end to all of this and quick. I didn't know why, but I was sure this individual had something to do with it. It was low though. Very low. But I guess a desperate situation calls for desperate measures.

This story wasn't ending there though. I will take my revenge. I was tired of this man messing with me. Consequences were going to happen and they'll be a real pain in the ass.

I sighed heavily and decided to get out of bed. I didn't really have something to do, but I couldn't sit down and do nothing for the entire day. Fortunately for me, I had the great idea to put a personal gym in my house. Whenever I was stressed or just needed a releaser, working out was the answer to all my problems. Since I was a kid, I was using sport to canalize my anger, what helped to make me a good athlete.

I did my morning hygiene routine, then changed in my gym clothes before to go downstairs, in the kitchen to be exact. As I was about to grab a bottle of water, the doorbell rang. It was now used to announce that I had visitors, what I found ridiculous. This whole situation was to be honest.

And If... {completed and edited 2024}Where stories live. Discover now