And If... You get out of here ?

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•Chapter 16.



Walking out of the elevator, I replayed yesterday event in my head as I made my way to my office. We all got out of there safe and alive, and I was very grateful for it. It was one hell of an experience though, that I never thought I would go through, but it somewhat did help me to read my mind and heart a little bit better.

I'd been feeling some kind of way for the longest now and I was finally seeing clear in my heart with some things, but I wasn't totally agreeing with them. What was going on with me and why did I have those specific feelings ?

When I thought everything was good and I totally got over it, it was all re-surfacing and I couldn't really control it, what was annoying.

"Oh my God ! You still came after what happened ? Are you okay ? " Betsy stopped me in my track. Except her name, I didn't really know this girl. As much as I could remember, we'd never been friends and never really shared a proper conversation before. Since the very first day, I could only feel bad vibes from her, she seemed so shady.

I knew for a fact that she didn't really care about my well-being right now. She wanted to have something to talk about later on with her so-called friends.

I put on a fake smile, "oh, yes I still came. I thought that coming to work will help me to cope and get my mind off everything else." What was actually the truth. If I stayed in my house, I would've had lost my mind.

"Oh, alright. If you need to talk to someone, know that I'm here."

"Oh, it's nice of you. Bye."

"See you later." She grinned, waving.

More like see you never, I thought as I continued to make my way to my office. I was getting so tired to work in this firm if I had to be honest. Coming to work was becoming the most aggravating thing to do and I didn't want to feel this way about my job. I wanted to do something that I'll enjoy until my retirement. Opening my own firm will do just that. But for now, I wasn't really in the position to do so, I still had to be patient. I had a whole plan and I had to stick to it.

But soon, I'll be able to fulfill my dream.

This dream was a big motivation, but I wasn't sure if it'll still be the same when I'll really start working with Michael, Mr. Georges' son. This guy was a jerk. He was an arrogant and self-centered bastard.

All he cared about was money and women, and he would do anything to get those two, meaning never taking no for an answer, what could get him to be very vicious. He was a pure asshole, and not man enough to take care of the six kids he had with five different women, just last year. If you're grown enough to put your sausage everywhere, you must be grown enough to then take care of your responsibilities.

It'd been awhile since I last saw him and hold a conversation with him, but I knew for a fact that he didn't mature since then and that I'll have to deal with his immaturity.

If I wasn't getting half of the firm, I was definitely leaving.

I actually didn't understand why he was even inheriting the firm since he never really practiced or work a day in his life. Yes, he was Mr. Georges' son, but if the old man wanted this firm to keep growing, he had to pass it to someone else and keep his son completely out of it. Michael was only going to ruin his business.

He was very smart, but wasn't using his intelligence to take the right decisions and do good in his life. He was smart to get himself out of any kind of trouble, and knowing that, he knew he could do anything he wanted.

And If... {completed and edited 2024}Where stories live. Discover now