And If... We stop arguing ? | Pt. 1

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•Chapter 28.


"Y'all argued ? For what ? That's not what I told you to do when I said go check on her, Richard ! " She raised her voice, but you could notice that she was trying to keep it at a minimum since we were at the hospital. If we weren't here, she would surely be screaming on the top of her lungs, according to how her face expression was changing within the seconds. Her cheeks were a bit red due to the anger that was rising within her.

I rolled my eyes for what seemed to be the umpteenth time as I refrained myself from hurting my aunt. I loved her and all, but she was getting on my last nerves right now.

When I said that I was done with Tinashe, I meant it. She didn't want to come and support our son, so fuck her ! I didn't know her capable of that though. Crazy how you think you know someone, but they turned out to be nothing like you thought they were. She was selfish and weak, and neither my son nor I needed that type of individual around us.

"Richard, you better go back a--"

"Hell no ! " I took a deep breath, calming myself down. RJ needed positive energy around him, "can you leave now, please ? "

"Richard, you two need each other now more than ever. RJ needs y'all to be a team and fight with him together, like a family."

"She's not our family, or else she would be here, like me."

She signed, then sat next to me on her chair. She finger combed her hair before speaking again, "try to put yourself in her shoes. I'm sure she needs you her strength."

I frowned, "be her strength ? She needs me ? What about me ? Huh ? " Her words felt as if she just spit in my face, and that shit is known to be very disrespectful. How could everybody disregard my feelings as if I wasn't an human being also ?

"I know you and I'm sure you told this young woman some things you're gonna regret later on in your life. She must already be feeling so miserable right now, and you had to add in more. Did you once stop and wonder how it has to feel for her to be in this situation ? Those cupcakes were for her...I know that I wouldn't be able to see my baby like this. As a moth--"

I had to cut her off, I really had to. It might be rude or whatever, but I didn't care. I couldn't hear more because I truly felt disrespected right now. She was acting as if Tinashe was the only victim in this situation and that I was a demon for feeling how I felt.

Can I be an human being too ?

"No ! Don't do this." I paused, recollecting my thoughts. "She is not the ONLY one in pain here. She's the mother, yes. But it doesn't mean that this isn't as hard for the father. I'm as devastated as her. I'm as attached to RJ as her. This is OUR son, not only hers. I feel guilty too, and I wish I could switch places with him. It hurts so much to know that there isn't more that I can do except praying, hoping and waiting here for him to wake up. I feel like I'm dying and what if he doesn't wake up ? I won't be able to live the rest of my life, I know I won't. Yes, she carried him for months and gave birth to him, but I'm his dad ! He's a part of me too ! He's my BLOOD ! He reflects the best part of me. I am miserable too and I need just as much comfort. Now, I'mma tell you this one more time...leave this room." I ranted, trying to not get too worked up.

I pointed the door before joining my hands and closing my eyes to pray again. I needed God to give me the strength because I felt as if I was going to collapse anytime soon.

Auntie Suz placed her hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry, Richard. I didn't even take in consideration how y--"

I opened my eyes, "yeah, I can tell. I'm tired to be the shoulder everybody leans on all the time. Sometimes I need someone to be stronger than me and give me the same comfort. I have feelings too."

And If... {completed and edited 2024}Where stories live. Discover now