Kuroo x Male Reader

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Title: Bonding Over Grilled Salted Mackerel Pike 

Ok, in this, you knew Kenma a little before Kuroo did, but you moved, and that's cause of Kenma's Social Anxiety (For This) 

I dunno, but, hey it's better than nothing.


 "UWOOOOOHH! (M/N)-SAN!" Hinata shouted, grabbing Kenma's attention in a flash.  The tall (Child of Yuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov) half-Russian strode up to the Karasuno team and looked over to (M/N).  The said boy looked intimidated, by his height, but soon realized he was a taller than Lev, at a 6' 11".  Lev soon noticed this height difference and began to get effusive.  "I thought I was the tallest one! But noooo, YOU had to show up and take the number one spot like We all want Soma to do at Totsuki!  So, what's your name?"  (M/N) chuckled awkwardly and opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by Noya and Tanaka.  "He's our bestest Middle Blocker! Even better than Tsukishima! His name is (M/N) (L/N)! A third year!" they boasted.  

Kuroo overheard this but paid no mind to it.  He stood in a weird position, waiting for Kenma's set, but all he got was concerned stares from the managers and laughs from Bokuto.  He shot up, ready to shout at Kenma for making him stand like an idiot, but he never got to since Kenma disappeared.  "(M/N)!" a usually quiet voice hollered, making Kuroo lash his head about, messing his bedhead even more.  He saw the 2nd year pounce on the tall (H/C)-ette and swing around.   "K-K-KENMA! Who is that?! Get away from him!" Kuroo dashed to where the two were happily spinning and latched onto Kenma.  

Kenma hissed, scratching at Kuroo, making him release the poor setter.  "K-Kenma! what did I tell you about scratching other people for things other than self-defense!?" (M/N) scolded, splashing Kenma with a little bit of water.  They all watched in amusement as Kenma tried to run away, but (M/N) was faster.  Kuroo marched up to the two and grabbed (M/N)'s collar, slightly irking Karasuno and Kenma.   "Oi, what're you doing to our precious setter?"  Kuroo asked, emitting a murderous aura.  (M/N) started tremoring and started to frantically try to explain who he was and how he knew Kenma.  

As (M/N) was trying to explain, the majority of the Karasuno team and Kenma started sneaking up behind them, waiting for the perfect moment of attack.  Tanaka counted to three, and they all pounced on Kuroo.  "AGH!" (M/N) and Kuroo shouted in shock as they tumbled down, with the 1st, Hinata and Kageyama, and 2nd years, as in Noya and Tanaka, of Karasuno and a stray Kenma.  (M/N) gently shoved the crowd off, only to get tugged forward again.  "So, you never answered my question (M/N)-SAN..." Kuroo menaced, glaring into (M/N)'s (E/C) eyes.  Kenma latched onto Kuroo and tugged on his bedhead.  

(M/N) laughed, catching Kuroo's and Kenma's attention, for it was a while since he heard (M/N)'s enticing laugh.  Kuroo stood, allured by the tall volleyball player's laugh.  "Hah-Kenma! Hahaha! You... You... Hahahaha! Kuroo-san! your expression! Haha! Phoo!"  (M/N) clutched his stomach and doubled over, collapsing on the floor and out of breath.  Kenma's lips turned up slightly at the sight, pleased to see his childhood friend having fun.  After catching his breath, (M/N) stood and inhaled.  "(M/N) (L/N).  I'm Kenma's childhood friend but moved away to study abroad in volleyball.  Nice to meet you!" he finished, giving his heart melt smile.

  Nice to meet you!" he finished, giving his heart melt smile

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After seeing that, Kuroo was ready to melt.  His heart never beat so fast, his face never felt so hot, and his knees, he was pretty sure, were stable last time he walked.  He put out a shaky hand, and it was grasped in (M/N)'s calloused, yet somehow soft one.  "N-nice to meet you too..." He muttered out, adverting his usually sharp eyes to anywhere but the charming 3rd year in front of him.  After he was lead away by Hinata and Noya, Kuroo hid his face in his hands and groaned.  "Oya Oya Oya? What happened?" Bokuto inches over and gives a smug smirk.  Kuroo peeked his red face out and started explaining.  

Bokuto was trying hard not to burst out in laughter as Kuroo finished his explanation on how he thought (M/N) was a bad person and forced Kenma to act happy around him just to keep suspicion down.  "Bro, pfft, (M/N) doesn't look like a bad dude! He brought me to a Yakiniku restaurant and HE paid! Isn't that nice?!" Bokuto hollered, catching the said male's attention, making him jog over and Kuroo's face heated up.  "Hey, whatcha guys talking about?" (M/N) inquired, studying Kuroo's face that looked like it was slapped all around.   "Hey Bokuto, do you know anyone who likes  Grilled Salted Mackerel Pike? I made extra that I don't need."  

Kuroo perked up at the sound of  Grilled Salted Mackerel Pike.  "Kuroo does! It's one of his favorites!" Bokuto announces, making (M/N)'s face light up like a Christmas tree.  He grasped Kuroo's hands and brought them up to his toned chest.  "Really?! I thought I was the only one! Phew!" (M/N) gasped.  Kuroo, however, stood as still as a statue, burning up since his crush was grasping his hands in his own larger, calloused yet soft ones.  "Hello? Kuroo?" (M/N) asked worriedly, waving a hand in front of Kuroo's red face.  "Wait here.  Let me go get them!" (M/N) suddenly shouted back, running off to get the precious Mackerel.  

As (M/N) was running off, Bokuto gave Kuroo a sly smirk and said "I've noticed your little big crush on Karasuno's "Bestest MB"... Can I tell Karasuno?!" Kuroo gave a panicked look toward Brokuto, made an "X" with his arms and shook his head. "No! It'd be better if they didn't-" He got cut off by an intimidating aura behind him.  "Oho? Are my ears deceiving me? I heard 'crush on our bestest MB'..." Tanaka growled, but his expression turned into one of joy.  "Good! We've been looking for a match for our precious (M/N)... But all the girls we asked ran away..." He sank.  

Kuroo smiled widely as the 3rd years stated they approved, Daichi giving his "Proud Dad" smile.  As soon as (M/N) ran back in with a small container in hand, Kuroo strode up to him, set the container down, and smacked his lips against his.  (M/N) blew a fuse, collapsing to the floor, but Kuroo got congratulatory pats and words of honor.


Ok, I know this isn't my best effort, but its better than waiting 1500000 years for an update on my other story...

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