Character of choice x Male Reader (Kind of angst?)

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The italics that will appear throughout the story are the reader's thoughts.

No dialogue :/

Trigger warning(?)
Slight hint to suicide

(M/N) had placed himself in front of the window, his view partially blocked by a thin, lace curtain. He was the only one around, so the area around him was deafeningly silent. He watched the trees move in the wind and the clouds float along. He listened intently to the sounds of cicadas buzzing, birds chirping, and cars driving to wherever they needed to go.

It was moments like this where (M/N)'s thoughts had crawled into his mind, overtaking anything and everything.
Am I a bad person?

What will happen to me in the future?

Is what I'm pursuing worth it?

Am I worthless?

What am I supposed to do?

Will everything end in a Happily Ever After?

He doubted the last one, of course, for no one had a "happy ever after".

(M/N) stared at one specific cloud as it passed. It looked as if it were a pair of wings, feathers trailing close behind. (M/N) had wished for a pair of grand, white wings in the past, but the wish had never been granted, leaving (M/N) alone on the ground.

Facing his phone, he had opened Snapchat, which he used frequently, mainly to talk with his lover. He glossed over the last message he had sent to who he promptly named "bbyy!1!". 
The message read:
"I don't know when you'll see this, but I'm gonna take a break, if that's okay with you.. I probably won't message you, unless you want me to, and uhm, Idk, I'm just not feeling good abt this rn.. anyway, uhm, see ya, ig".

Flicking back to the Friends screen, he promptly renamed his lover back to their name, no emojis, nothing. Their name, just there, haunting him. (M/N)'s dull, (E/C) eyes flicked to the streaks he held with others.

They don't know me and I don't know them. That's okay.

(M/N) ran a hand through his soft, (H/C) hair, sighing heavily. He put down his phone and brought his knees to his chest. The thoughts had grown louder, more prominent. He couldn't help it anymore. He thought of all the times he had bullied his younger sibling. He had thought of the pain he had caused others. He had thought of the suffering that he had caused to people in the past. He wasn't okay with that. His back shook with quiet sobs.

I'm not good enough.
I'm useless.
All I do is cause people pain.
I can't do anything right.
I'm a disappointment.

His phone buzzed, but he ignored it, shaken by his own emotions. It continued to buzz, annoying (M/N) immensely. He turned on Do Not Disturb and left it to fall out of his loose grip. He picked up his head and lifted up his phone. Opening up "Maps", his eyes fluttered around quickly, stopping at his target. (M/N) got up, wiped his tears, and opened his dresser.
He changed into a nicer shirt and pants, meaning ones that weren't wrinkled or stained. He proceeded to clean his bed, straightening out the blankets, pillows, and the array of stuffed animals he had gotten from the numerous dates he went on with his boyfriend. His grip on the light blanket tightened as memories flooded toward him. Shared kisses, cuddles, and warm nights, which sometimes escalated to.. other things.

He pressed on. Cleaning, arranging. Finally, he sat down at his desk and began to write a goodbye.
A goodbye to his friends
A goodbye to his family
A goodbye to the world
A goodbye to those who helped him
A final goodbye to his lover.
(Goodbye my loverr, goodbye my friends)

He took a picture of the soon coming sunset and typed in
"Final Streak".

He went inside, placed his phone on his desk beside the letter and walked out the door.

The phone screen showed one last message. It was to his boyfriend.

I love you. I always have.
Now is time for you to let go and love another the same way you loved me.

With that, he walked out the door toward his destination, looking into the orange sky he had kissed under one last time.

Idrk what to say right now
I hope you all are happy. Not fake happy, not forced happy, genuinely happy. We're living in a time where that's getting or already is hard, but we're also living in a time where it's so obtainable.  I'm here for all of you. If you need someone to talk to, someone to rely on, I'm here.
Okay? Okay.

I hope you all find what you're looking for, whether it's love, happiness, or even food.

Good luck to you all from here on out.

Word count: 819 (including this)

[DISCONTINUED] Haikyuu x Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now