Terushima x Male Reader (REQUEST)

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Hey guys it's ya boi Makoto_michaelis back again wi- *S l a p p e d*

So this request is the scene where Shima hits on Kiyoko or "Ore no Kiyoko" (Swear to god, anyone who gets that reference, we're besties now), But Kiyoko is replaced by Reader-san!

Requested by @JaX_iS_tRaSh


Walking away from their victory match against Kakugawa Highschool and their 2-meter 2nd year, (M/N) was bombarded by Noya and Tanaka, claiming that they would carry the bags to the bus.  He turned around with a sweet smile on his face, letting out a quiet chuckle.  "I've already taken care of them, so no need.", (M/N) thanked.  He turned back and announced that they were heading out.  "I'm going to go to make sure we didn't forget anything.  You go on ahead Yacchan.", he appointed the lead role to Yachi, who in return, saluted and firmly stated with confidence: "Got it!".  They all filed out the gym and continued down the stairs as (M/N) walked around the gym a little longer.  Finding Hinata's forgotten bento, he let out a quiet laugh at the cute wrapping.  Crouching down, he picked it up, but as he went down, he felt a presence behind him.  He shot up and turned around, but before he could escape, a hand trapped him to the wall and the first thing he saw a was a tongue piercing and a flirtatious smile. 

As Karasuno descended the stairs, Kageyama glared at Hinata.  "What the heck was with that 'HOGYAA' crap?", he asked, making Hinata freeze in embarrassment.  "W-Well, I kept it in the air, didn't I?!", Hinata defended, trying to turn the topic to something else, but Tanaka and Noya wouldn't drop it.  They kept laughing and repeating "Hogyaa!" as a comedic reference to embarrass the short MB.  Stepping in, Ennoshita walked behind them and asked a question.  "By the way, how's your summer homework coming along?", and as he asked that, Tanaka and Noya froze, knowing that Ennoshita somehow knew they haven't done it yet, shouting a "Hogyaa!" of their own.  Ennoshita gave them a scarily nice smile, saying another thing that appalled the two rowdy boys.  "You remember being told that you're not getting any help, right?", Ennoshita dragged on, making Yamaguchi comment: "Ennoshita-san's sure being tough..."

Yachi looked at Hinata with a confused look, for he was paused on the stairs.  "Eh? What's up, Hinata?", she asked, still confused.  Hinata gave a confident look and clenched his hand into a fist.  "With this, we're finally gonna be in the same court as the Grand King and Ushiwaka!", he announced, putting up a determined aura around the team.  After a few minutes of silence, Hinata realized something, making him choke up in shock.  Yachi made a strange sound, which was something like "Hwa?!".  Hinata turned around and bounded up the stairs. "I FORGOT MY LUNCHBOX!", he shouted back at the rest of the group.  Hinata rounded the corners, running back to where he figured he left his lunchbox and catching snippets of people's conversations. 

"Geez, that team with the '2-meter' guy lost? You've gotta be kidding! I mean, we went through all that trouble to come watch them!"  

"you're why we got here late..."

"Still, if they were gonna lose, it's better we didn't watch"

"Who'd they lose to again?"

"Uhh... If I remember right, it was..."

Hearing that everyone was talking about the same thing,  Hinata finally made it to the place where he left his lunchbox, but soon noticed people's voices and one sounded like (M/N)'s.  "Come on~ It's just a phone number~", the unfamiliar voice drawled, making some uncomfortable shuffling arise.  "U-um, excuse me...", (M/N)'s weak voice pleaded quietly.  Turning the corner, Hinata froze in fear.  'UWAAAH! They're hitting on hiiiiim! Tanaka-san and Noya-san already left too!', Hinata saw the male manager try to push past the two men that were taller than him.  "T-there are people waiting for me, so if you could excuse me...", (M/N) mumbled, fiddling with his sleeve and looking down.  The one with bleached hair shrugged jokingly, looking back at the shorter out of the three.  "Sure, just give us your number~", he replied, making (M/N) shift again.  "HEEEY!", Hinata shouted, sliding into action like Midoriya.  Terushima stepped back, emitting something that sounded like a "Woah?!".

Trying to hurry out of the gym and away from Terushima and Bobata, Hinata gently shoved you along, panicking.  "Sorry! That's my lunchbox. Let's get going... We'll just leave quietly...", Hinata urged (M/N) to keep going until Terushima gripped his shirt and gently threw him away. 

(yes, this scene)

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(yes, this scene)

"Hold on, we're still talking here", He said, turning back to the fidgety manager.  "H-Hinata!", (M/N) shouted worriedly, ignoring Terushima.  "Got a smartphone? Or are you still using the old-fashioned kind?", Terushima persisted, getting a bit closer.  "'SCUSE ME!!!", Hinata shouted, leaping into the air. 

~~TIMESKIP (because I'm too lazy to type everything)~~

Quaking, Hinata turned to (M/N).  "H-He gave up on your number (M/- (L/N)-senpai...  That's good.", (M/N) looked in the general direction Terushima walked off.  "It looked like his attention completely shifted to you.", turning to face Hinata, (M/N) gave a weak grin and nodded in gratitude.  "I kinda feel like I should apologize for that.  And, thanks.  Here, you forgot this.", He handed Hinata his lunchbox.  Hinata, in turn, chocked up again and grabbed the lunch box away from (M/N).  (M/N) gestured to the wrapping and giggled.  "That wrapping around your lunch box... It's cute.", (M/N) kept giggling that Hinata hurridly hid it from your view.  "Cu-?! That's...! Natsu... I mean my little sister did it!! That wrapping's not mine at all!!", Hinata panicked, making you laugh. Back outside, the rest of the team was waiting for (M/N) and Hinata to get back from the gym.  "(M/N)-san's really late, huh?", Tanaka worried, eliciting a response from Noya.  "How 'bout we go check on him?", he suggested, making Tanaka nod. 

They stopped their conversation as they saw Terushima walk out.  As soon as they made eye contact, the two put on threatening expressions and glared at Terushima.  "The hell're you looking at, punk?!", they growled, but stopping as soon as they were stopped by Dadch-  Daichi coughing.  Soon after, Hinata and (M/N) walked out of the entrance.  As soon as they walked out, Hinata jumped, apologizing for the long wait.  Kageyama glared back at him.  "Took you long enough, idiot!", he barked.  Tanaka and Noya ran to you and dipped their heads.  "We're just glad you're all right,(M/N)-san!", they shouted. 


Wao! that took a while to write, but I enjoyed it nonetheless!

I am actually kinda proud of myself for going onto the Haikyuu Wiki to see when they first encounter Teru and it's chapter 105.  I kept going back and forth between tabs to see the dialogue and how they interacted, but imagined Kiyoko san as reader!  I time skipped the part where Teru just chats to Hina about them beating Kakugawa and 2-meter-man. 

Thanks for reading!

Word count: 1186 Words (Including this)

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