Honest Rant

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Hey y'all
So, I kinda want to get serious...
I feel like shit.  I look like shit. I am a literal piece of shit.  My ex is just cold, annoying, and straight up bullying me now, I feel horrible, I don't want to eat, I get socially exhausted by the first 5 minutes of school, and I just want to give up.

My ex, Brody, is an ass. He's bullying me, being cold as fuck, and straight up annoying. Like, I'd be reading my book, right? He'd either slam my book down, slap the back of my head, or tug on my hair. And my FRIEND'S boyfriend isn't making my life easier either.  He keeps telling me to kill myself, and yesterday, we were playing this game in class to help us for a test, and if you get the question right, you'd get to throw a tape ball into a bin. So, when it was his turn, he took the ball and threw it at my face, and I wasn't doing shit to him. Like, what the hell!? He takes my stuff and either ruins it of breaks it, he yanks on my ponytail, he steals my stuff, and again, keeps telling me to kill myself.

My school isn't much better either.
The teachers don't teach, except for the History teacher. He's the best.  There are kids who like, prevent others from learning by being OBNOXIOUS AS SHIT, and I've ranted about the bus enough for you all to know.  The math teach expects us yo learn a whole new topic in 1 hour, because "We're the advanced math class" BULLSHIT.  Can you actually T E A C H?

So, I am going through depression and I feel so... shitty. Like, I don't want to go to school because I'm so stupid and pathetic that I won't learn anything good! Hahahaha! I honestly contemplated committing... y'know... but, anyway, it's taking all my might to not cut again, and I always keep my feelings bottled up and it's hurting a lot guys...
Y'all know that Tsukishima x reader I wrote a bit ago? I kinda based that off of my experience...  Instead, the bullys after the first time-skip is my mentality and how I always degrade myself and badger myself with belittling words like pathetic or stupid or worthless. Or that I don't deserve to live. It's that bad...
it's even worse that I keep it all inside because I don't want people to trouble themselves for me. I'm not worth anyone's time or money.  It's all just... there...

The only way that I've been able to cope is with music and the Wattpad community.
You guys are the greatest thing to have ever happened to me. I love you all so so much and I don't know where I'd stand without all of your support. Everyone is so supportive and sincere, it's just... I don't deserve any of you guys. It's enough that you read my book, but everyone was so accepting of me and it's the best feeling.
Funny thing is that everyone is more supportive than my used to be boyfriend. Like... I would choose you guys over anything (except family and close friends), and I appreciate all of you and how much you've done for me.

Thank you all so so so much for letting me be me.
The bisexual, introverted, and socially awkward girl who loves the Wattpad community so much. <3

[DISCONTINUED] Haikyuu x Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now