Oikawa x Male Reader

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Hey everyone!

I hope you all are having a great Pride Month! I know I am!

I have some things to tell Y'all 

1) I got a haircut! If you guys would like to see, just say so.  No need to be shy

2) My ex and I are on even ends now.  I texted him to have a nice summer and then we apologized for what happened and now we're good.  

3) I'm Asexual.  Yeah, I switched.  If you have a problem with that, you may leave right now.

All of you are valid.  Don't let anyone say you aren't.  Don't let the "Oh, it's just a phase" saying put you down.  Fight for you.  Advocate for yourself.  Don't let people harm you with things they believe.  We all have different opinions and if they get to voice theirs, you should definitely voice YOURS.   



 Looking down, (M/N) tugged down his hat and decided this is the one.  He scanned the area for oncoming cars, but luckily, the bridge and his surroundings were devoid of cars and pedestrians.  'they never needed me anyway... I was only a waste of space...', (M/N) carefully climbed onto the handrailing and felt the wind for the last time.  It blew into his face as if to tell him to get down or that it wasn't worth it.  (M/N)'s nose took in the salty scent of the ocean beneath him, soon to become his deathbed.  'I didn't deserve Seijou... I didn't deserve all of this', those thoughts ran around in his head as he spread out his arms like wings and closed his eyes.  'this is it... This is the end for me.  I'm sorry Mom for being such a disappointment', (M/N) wept fat tears as he slowly leaned forward.   "Oi! W-What are you doing?!", A voice lead his eyes to snap open.  

It was Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime, looking at him with a confused look on their faces, soon replaced with looks of enlightenment, which morphed to angered worry.  "H-Hey! Get down from there before you fall! It's not worth it (L/N)!", Iwaizumi roared, which prompted him to reluctantly climb down and Oikawa looks at him with a surprised look.  "Iwa-chan, you know him?", Iwaizumi turns to Oikawa with a knowing look.  "Yeah, he's in my English class.", Iwaizumi nods.  Oikawa scans the said male as he shifts uncomfortably under the brunette's gaze that was scanning his features carefully.  Oikawa first notices how (M/N)'s hair and how soft it looks, then the rich (E/C) hue in his eyes, which once carried life and joy, but now only carried grief and sadness.  Then, he noticed how thin (M/N) was, like he wasn't or didn't eat enough each day, but maybe because he was wearing a large hoodie... Oikawa couldn't help but think the shorter male was cute.  Oikawa turned to Iwaizumi and clasped his hands together.

Oikawa bowed down, shocking Iwaizumi and (M/N).  "Iwa-chan! Please let me take (M/N)-chan in!", he shouted, making the two look at him with confusion.  "Hah?! He wouldn't last 2 days in your care!", the Bara Ar- *punched* the reliable ace growled, making Oikawa sink further.  "PLEASE!!", He shouted, making (M/N) rush to cower behind the strong ace.    Iwaizumi contemplated for a couple minutes, then sighed.  "Fine... (L/N), are you okay with this?", Iwaizumi turned to (M/N), who in turn, gave a reluctant nod.  "Okay, Kusokawa, you got him", Iwaizumi gently nudged (M/N) over to Oikawa, who immediately glomped him in an affectionate hug.  (M/N) tensed, not used to the actions of affection toward him.  "Let's go home, (M/N)-chan.", Oikawa leads him the rest of the way, Iwaizumi walking along their sides.  Once they finally made it to Oikawa's apartment, Oikawa led (M/N) to the several flights of stairs to his room.  Opening the door, they both walked in, taking off their shoes before they walked into the room itself.

Eating dinner, (M/N) took a quick shower and Oikawa led him to his new room and as soon as (M/N) hit the mattress, he was fast asleep.  The other male looked at him fondly as he turned off the lights and closed the door.  


Oikawa walked alongside (M/N), who warmed up to the two, and Iwaizumi, who stated he was proud of Oikawa for taking care of (M/N).  "Did you know the first french fries weren't cooked in France?", (M/N) knowingly stated, making the two look at him in curiosity.  "They weren't?", Oikawa prodded, making (M/N) snicker.  "Th...pff... T-they were cooked in Greece, silly!", (M/N) chortled, soon bursting out in loud laughter.  Iwaizumi and Oikawa groaned, but nonetheless, they chuckled, getting the joke.  They had learned that (M/N) was a person who made the lamest dad jokes, but somehow, he made them funny.  They also learned he could be caring and supportive when someone really needed it.  Once, the trio was walking around a mall when they came across a little girl who had lost their parents in the large area.  (M/N) decided to walk around the whole mall, calling out for her parents.  After one hour of searching, he had finally found them and was rewarded with a small sum of money for his dedication.  

As he kept laughing, Oikawa looked at him with fond eyes and an adoring look, taking in how his laugh filled the air around them and made them feel like they never deserved a man like (M/N).  'He's so cute... I want to confess so bad... I wanna be the one who wakes up next to him every morning... I wanna be the one who gets to kiss him...', Oikawa's face flushes at his own thoughts.  Shaking his head, he turns to the other two who are looking at him with a concern.  "Are you okay, Tooru?", (M/N) asked, making Oikawa hastily nod.  He never got used to the smaller male saying his first name, even though he, himself, insisted (M/N) did.  Oikawa took (M/N)'s hand, intertwining their fingers, but the latter only saw it as a friendly gesture.  They finally made it to the school and they parted ways for their assigned classes throughout the day.

~~Another Time Skip because Author-san is socially exhausted and needs coffee~~

Splayed out on Oikawa's bed, (M/N) and Oikawa's legs were entangled, but they were each doing their own thing.  (M/N) was reading his favorite manga (Insert manga here), whilst Oikawa was looking at his phone, occasionally sneaking a glance at (M/N) and how his hair framed his face.  "Hey (M/N)-chan?", He quietly muttered, eliciting a 'hm?' of acknowledgment from the latter.  "Do you like boys or girls?", He nervously asked, but got no reaction from (M/N).  "Boys.  They're WAY less dramatic than girls, in my opinion, but that's not my only reason.", (M/N) sighed, dropping the manga on his face.  Oikawa perked up, realizing this is his chance.  "(M/N)?", he sighed out, getting another 'hm?'"Do you have a crush?", Oikawa nervously asked, making (M/N) nod.  If you listened closely, you could hear the snap of Oikawa's heart, breaking in two.  "Oh...", He mumbled, lowering his head.  "And his name is Oikawa Tooru.", and that conversation ended with Oikawa pouncing on (M/N), littering his face with sweet kisses.  


Ugh... I'm so tired right now, Like a light coma level tired.  I could totally go for a light coma.  So, I'm hiking the Appalachian Trail (New Hampshire), starting Thursday (Kill me) and proceeding through until Sunday, but since I will most likely be sleeping, I won't be able to get a chapter out.  Sorry, all... It is the same case with July 9 to the following Sunday.  I'm heading up to New Hampshire again with a friend to go sightsee and camp.  I will be sure to take pictures and share them with you all! 

I seriously need coffee or something.  I haven't slept for a long time... BUT! My last day of school is tomorrow! HAHAHA MORE ALL NIGHTERS FOR ME!

See you all again soon!

Word count: 1346 Words (Including this)        

[DISCONTINUED] Haikyuu x Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now