Bokuto x Male Reader (ANGST-ish?)

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You're prolly gonna get Akaashi/reader vibes, but it's a Bokuto... 


This angst-ish is based on Hanahaki, and if you don't know what that is, it's a thing where if you suffer from one-sided love, you cough up flower petals.  You can get it surgically removed, but if you do so, your love for the person goes bye bye.  


 Crouched over a bucket, (M/N) coughed up yellow carnation petals.  He stood up and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.  Nothing new.  Same old, Same old.  Tightening his tie and grabbing the blazer, (M/N) rushed out the door in time to catch Akaashi and Bokuto walking by.  (M/N) put on a smile, despite his pain, and ran toward the volleyball duo.  "Good morning Akaashi-san.", (M/N) greeted, waving.  "Morning to you too (L/N)-san.", Akaashi returned the greeting.  Waving to Bokuto next, He pounced onto (M/N), capturing him in a hug.  (M/N) began to cough, slightly lurching forward.  "Oi, (L/N)... Are you okay?", Bokuto asked cluelessly, but Akaashi told him to walk without them and that they would catch up.  "(L/N)... Are you going to be okay?", Akaashi asked, kneeling down.  He gave a weak nod before throwing up more petals.  Damask Roses and Irises.  "(L/N), why not just get surgery?", Akaashi suggested but already knew the answer. 

Lifting his head up, (M/N) gave a weak smile and shook his head.  "I'd rather suffer than lose my feelings for another", (M/N) got up, but almost lost his footing due to how unoriented he was.  Leaning against Akaashi, they both walked to the bench nearby.  Handed a bottle of water, (M/N) chugged it down, feeling refreshed.  Finally arriving at school, (M/N) clutched his bag and walked alongside Akaashi, for they had the same classes.  Sitting through English wasn't the most fun when you have to pull out flower petals every 10 minutes.  After class, (M/N) walked over to the male's restroom to throw away all the petals.  "Hey Hey Hey! (L/N)! You doing okay now?!", Bokuto shouted, making (M/N) turn around after wiping off the last petal.  "Ah, Bokuto-san, uh, yeah, I'm doing fin- HRRK", (M/N)'s sentence was cut off with a gag.  He rushed to the bathroom, clutching his chest and covering his mouth.  "O-Oi, (L/N)! A-Are you okay?!", Bokuto panicked, rushing around.  "G-Go get Akaashi... HLGH", (M/N) muttered, prompting Bokuto to rush off to get the stoic setter.  

Rushing through the halls, Bokuto burst into the classroom, frantically scanning the room.  "AKAASHI!", Bokuto hollered, catching his attention.  "Yes?", Akaashi noticed the worried look on Bokuto's face and immediately noticed something was wrong.  "Bokuto-san, where's (L/N)?!", Akaashi asked, distressed.  "H-He's in the bathroom!", Bokuto pointed in the direction and Akaashi bolted out of the room.  "Goddammit, please be okay...", Akaashi murmured, worried for his close friend.  Nearing the restrooms, Akaashi saw (M/N) leaning over the sink, splashing water on his face.  "(M/N)!", Akaashi called out, making the said male wheel around.  "Are you okay?", Akaashi slowed down to a stop, resting his hands on his knees to catch a breath.  (M/N) adverted his gaze to the floor, wringing his fingers.  "There was blood this time...", (M/N) confessed.  Akaashi stared him down, growing more concerned.  "AKAAGHSHI! HOW'S (L/N)?!", Bokuto waved his arms, making (M/N) cower behind Akaashi.  

Bokuto stopped in front of the two and looked at (M/N) with caring eyes, worry written all over his face.  "Hey, (L/N), are you okay now?", Bokuto asked with surprising gentleness.  (M/N) stepped out, nodding.  A blush brushed across Bokuto's face as (M/N)'s (E/C) eyes, glanced between Bokuto's face and the floor.  "Ah, well, good to see you're doing okay...", Bokuto rubbed the back of his neck and then his hand dropped to his side.  (M/N) swiped up Bokuto's hands and gripped them in his own.  "T-thank you for helping me.", (M/N) thanked, squeezing Bokuto's calloused hands in his own.  Akaashi looked proud for some reason, but Bokuto couldn't grasp the situation.  "His hands are so soft! They're so small and cute and warm!", Bokuto's thoughts rushed through his head, slowly understanding that his crush was gripping his hands in his own.  "Y-Yeah! N-NO problem!", Bokuto soon became a stuttering mess.  As soon as the bell rang, (M/N) loosened his grip and slowly dropped the wing spiker's hands and waved goodbye.  

Bokuto stood there until his face exploded in a blush.  "HEY HEY HEY!", Bokuto jumped around joyously, clenching his hands in a fist, feeling a small tingle where (M/N)'s hands squeezed.  


Walking around, Bokuto spotted a familiar head of (H/C) hair in a window of a cafe.  Rushing over, Bokuto burst through the door, making the small bell ring out loudly.  (M/N) whipped his head over and once he saw Bokuto, he hid his face with the tray and snuck over to the kitchen.  "(M/N)! Go seat him!", an authoritative voice commanded.  (M/N) shot up and complied, walking over to Bokuto.  "Table for one?", (M/N) asked, looking behind Bokuto's broad shoulders for another person.  Bokuto stood there for a minute.  Suddenly, Bokuto clutched (M/N)'s arms and tugged him forward.  (M/N) dropped the tray in shock as Bokuto slammed his lips on (M/N)'s for a quick 5 seconds and rushed out.  

The last petal was a singular red rose petal.  


I'm alive!

"Woah! Makoto_michealis! I thought you weren't going to update this week!"

I mean, not necessarily, but I was thinking of that when I updated before I left for the hike (Which was hell times 5 all because of SHARK WEEK) But nonetheless, it was fun.  

Dane Cook is a good comedian.  

Word Count: 954 Words (Including this) 


[DISCONTINUED] Haikyuu x Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now