Chatroom with Gay Volleyball Players

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So, this chapter is actually based on a conversation I had a couple days ago with a friend and it's puRE GOLD.


[U/N]: ~Sent Video~

icanjump: *Sighs*

milkyboiiiii: *sighs, then dies*

[U/N]: *Sighs, cries, closes eyes, then re-dies*

thighchi: *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, and also re-dies*

ihave10kids: *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, and then re-re-dies*

li-brooo:  *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), and re re dies*

[U/N]:  *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye,  and re re dies*

10-naka:  *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye, mourns in some chili fries, and re re dies*

gay-lien:  *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye, mourns in some chili fries, gets high, and re re re dies*

iwazilla:  *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye, mourns in some chili fries, gets high, depression eats multiple pies, and re re re re dies*

ihave10kids: *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye, mourns in some chili fries, gets high, depression eats multiple pies, gets mortified, and re re re re re dies*

icanjump: *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye, mourns in some chili fries, gets high, depression eats multiple pies, gets mortified, realizes the world is far from wise and re re re re re dies* 

tallblondandsalty: *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye, mourns in some chili fries, gets high, depression eats multiple pies, gets mortified, realizes the world is far from wise, wishes he were a fly, and re re re re re re dies*

yama-goochi:  *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye, mourns in some chili fries, gets high, depression eats multiple pies, gets mortified, realizes the world is far from wise, wishes he were a fly, tries to cut all ties (With the idiots in the world) and re re re re re re re dies*

thighchi: *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye, mourns in some chili fries, gets high, depression eats multiple pies, gets mortified, realizes the world is far from wise, wishes he were a fly, tries to cut all ties (With the idiots in the world), wants to make them realize (gay jokes aren't funny), and re re re re re re re dies*

[U/N] *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye, mourns in some chili fries, gets high, depression eats multiple pies, gets mortified, realizes the world is far from wise, wishes he were a fly, tries to cut all ties (With the idiots in the world), wants to make them realize (gay jokes aren't funny), tries to tear down their percieved guise (about the LGBT community), and re re re re re re re re dies* 

milkyboiiiii: *sighs, "why"s, cries, closes eyes, denies, (begins to) despise (Society), (waves) goodbye, mourns in some chili fries, gets high, depression eats multiple pies, gets mortified, realizes the world is far from wise, wishes he were a fly, tries to cut all ties (With the idiots in the world), wants to make them realize (gay jokes aren't funny), tries to tear down their percieved guise (about the LGBT community), wants to nullify (people making more gay jokes), and re re re re re re re re re dies* 

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