Q and A about Asexuality!

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So, I haven't updated in a bit, I know, but I've been using AO3 a bit more, although that DOES NOT mean I will be discontinuing this book. It's just the updates will be later than usual... ANYWAY! I have had some questions asked about me being Asexual and about how I knew I was Ase, and if you are the one who asked the questions, I apologize greatly that I haven't answered them. So, here are my answers and ones that I decided to ask myself and answer on my own!


Q. How did you know you were Ace?

A. Well, I'm in my teen years and that's when the hormones really spike for some and then relationships pop up and sex hormones as well, but I never felt that spike, to be honest... Yeah, I feel a sexual attraction, but never find the need to pursue it or find the satisfaction essentially 'rewarding' per say. It's not like I'm not okay with sexual interactions, it's just, I'm not that interested and I think it's not that important as, say, a job.

Q. What even IS Asexuality?

A. Asexuality an LGBTQIAPK+ Term characterized when one doesn't feel a sexual attraction to any gender. Asexuality is often confused with Abstinence or Celibacy which is the state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations, but it's neither of those things.
In particular...

Asexuality is not an abstinence pledge. (Although there may be abstinent aces.)

Asexuality is not a synonym for celibacy. (There are celibate aces and promiscuous aces and aces everywhere in between.)

Asexuality is not a gender identity. (Although there may be trans, non-binary, or genderqueer aces.)

Asexuality is not a disorder. (Although there may be aces with physical or mental conditions.)

Asexuality is not a choice. (Although not every ace is "born that way".)

Asexuality is not a hormone imbalance. (Although there may be aces with hormone issues.)

Asexuality is not a fear of sex or relationships. (Although there may be aces who are afraid of or otherwise dislike sex or relationships.)

Asexual people might:

Want friendship, empathy, and understanding

Fall in love

Experience arousal or an orgasm

choose to masturbate

choose to engage in sexual activity

choose NOT to engage in sexual activity

Be of any Gender, Age, or Background

Have a spouse and/or children.

Q. Is it just Asexuality?

A. Of course not! There are plenty in between!
Some like:








and more!
I will leave those for you all to look up and discover more about.


That's all I will answer for now, but if you have more questions, feel free to ask!
I will not accept Homophobic questions, insulting questions, or plain irrational questions, but I trust you all to be kind and accepting to each other.

Remember to embrACE who you are!



[DISCONTINUED] Haikyuu x Male Reader One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora