i. rainy days

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Richie x Reader
Mention of abuse

Rain poured down your window, your eyes following a drop all the way down until you couldn't see it anymore. None of your friends were available to hang out and you were sure some were ignoring you because you had a cold. Eddie especially, being a germaphobe and all.

You let out a sigh that briefly lifted a loose hair off your face, landing it back in the same spot. The rain kept pouring outside, no one walking outside, even with an umbrella that could be bought for ten cents in Derry, no one bothered. Rainy days meant beds and late morning tv shows.

Your mom was downstairs probably arguing with your dad about something dumb anyways, like most of your friends parents did. You chose to shut yourself off in your room because it was better that way. You didn't get hurt and you didn't have to listen. It was better.

Your mind lifted from the thoughts as your eye caught sight of a person biking in the direction of your house in the pouring rain. You quickly perked up slightly, fear also being placed in the pit of your stomach that your parents would see whoever it was and not let them in.

You opened your door, listening to the sour voices of your parents bickering downstairs and decided to go out the window instead for a safer, and more importantly, quieter route.

You shut the door back softly and turned around towards the window where you rushed over, quickly sliding up the glass and slipping onto the rainy, slick roof that was angled far downwards into rose bushes below.

"Shit." You cursed, eyes scanning for any other possible and easier way to get down from the current situation you had placed yourself into. There were two options as you saw it. Sliding into the rose bushes and being scratched up like the devil had clawed you or sliding down the metal, and rather loud, rain pipe and reaching the ground with no scratches but risk of being caught.

"Rose bushes it is." You rather quickly decided because you didn't want to risk being caught by your parents in the middle of an argument. You usually got a beating for sneaking out in the unaware presence. You had done it on multiple occasions but it's only because they didn't pay attention to you and whenever they did, it was only to beat you for something you may not have even done.

You sat down on your butt, legs swinging over the side of the roof, eyes scanning the possible, and softest, places to land in the thorny bushes below. The rain poured down as the bike got closer to your house and you decided that if you were going, you were going now.

You slide off the rather slick roof and into the thorns below. You landed in a patch with the most thorns, unfortunately, and got small stabs and scratches all over your arms and legs. Blood began to quickly run down your limbs as you struggled to get out of the bushes that held you captive.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." You cursed on every step you took towards the soft, wet, moist mud that looked so much more comfortable than these thorns that had blood on the ends from your injuries. "Shit." You said one more time before escaping into the beloved mud below your shoes.

A bike quickly pulled up beside you, and you secretly prayed it wasn't Eddie or he would be all over your wounds in the pouring rain. To your luck, it wasn't. Instead, it was the trashmouth of the group, also well known in the group as your boyfriend, too.

"Holy fuck, ___! What the hell happened to you?" He asked, staring at your muddy legs that were mixed with blood and the blood running down your arms but rain washing it away as soon as it started to collect together into a pool.

"It's called escape tactics and I'm very knowledgeable in them." You replied back, wiping off the luxurious mud onto your hands and a tree nearby. "After all, I do this almost every single day of every month with my parents fighting and all."

Richie just nodded, staring at you while you quickly cleaned yourself up to the best of your ability. "Can we go see Eddie because these thorn injuries are slowly killing me." You asked him, watching as he picked up his bike.

"Really? You want to go see the germaphobe?" He asked, seeing you nod but get on the bike behind him as well. "Go, trashmouth. You don't want me to bleed out, now do you?"

He just rolled his eyes behind those thick lensed glasses of his and began peddling out towards Eddie's house where hopefully you would be cleaned up with your wounds.

Richie sort of tossed the bike off underneath a bush to avoid the rain getting more onto it while you knocked on the door of the Kaspbrak household, waiting for a response.

Richie quickly joined you, standing close to you as Eddie opened the door to see you with soaking wet hair, muddy and bloody limbs, and a smile on your face. "I need your help." You told him.

He just nodded as he grabbed your hand, pulling you inside as Richie followed loosely behind the two of you. Eddie snuck you in past his sleeping mom, the tv playing a late morning tv show that was seemingly boring.

He made you sit on the counter in the kitchen, searching through a few cabinets and pulling a few things out of his fannypack which included some medicine for the wounds and some small bandaids for the larger marks.

"You better fix up my girlfriend, Ed." Richie said, sitting in a chair from the kitchen table that had a good view of you sitting on the counter.

Eddie just turned around. "Well, if you could fucking keep quiet than I can gladly and carefully do so." He turned back around as Richie just stared at you.

He began to clean the blood off your arms and legs, cleaning the mud off along with it, and then began putting the medicine on top of the clean wounds. You hissed and clicked your tongue upon impact, gripping the counter tightly with the free arm.

"Loosen up." Eddie said, looking up at you with soft eyes that were still slightly demanding. You did as he told and he quickly finished up with whatever he could do to fix it from your point of view on the outside.

You began to hop down from the counter but Richie quickly got up, standing between your legs and placing his hands on both of your hips. You stopped fidgeting to stare down at him.

He just stared back up at you through his thick lenses, a soft smirk painting his lips. You didn't take your eyes off of his while the rain pattered against the window.

"My god, if you two are going to kiss, just go ahead and do it already!" Eddie said, putting away his medical supplies while Richie just stared at you continually.

He then put his hand through your soaking wet hair, pulling you in roughly to kiss him but you had gotten used to it by now. You had to lean down to get to him but you were still sitting on the counter after all.

When he let go, you smiled as a light blush dusted your cheeks and Richie looked over at Eddie, turning around and laying his head back on your chest.

"What? You jealous I have a super hot girlfriend and you don't?" Richie asked Eddie while you just chuckled, your smile just sculpting your lips upwards.

Eddie sighed, zipping up his fanny pack. "Yeah, totally am." Richie looked at him, waiting for him to look back up before answering, "Well, back off, gazebos. She's mine."

You chuckled. "Yeah, all yours."

hope you all enjoyed!!! I read 'IT' twice, seen the 1990 version 9 times, & seen the new movie twice but I did my best at what I could.

Eddie & Richie have always been my favorite characters & Finn and Jack did SUCH a good job portraying my favorite characters!!!

beep beep friends!!!


time: 4:44 am
words: 1397


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