ii. birth control

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Eddie x Reader
Mentions of sex, cursing

A day never went by that you didn't always feel embarrassed by your older brother, Richie Tozier. He had managed to protect you from every guy in the school that he claimed to be "a bunch of assholes who probably blow themselves for a living" and that turned you off every time.

However, you were friends with several guys at your school who were in the club called the 'Losers Club' and you were quite fond of one of those Losers.

Eddie Kaspbrak might not be the ideal person you intended to find but your heart stumbled on beating and your words slurred into unknown phrases or words and stuttering like Bill was common every time you were around or alone with him.

Richie never really paid attention to your mild crush on the small boy who took care of the rest of the guys in the group but continued to be his usual trashmouth, as his friends called him.

You didn't ever mean to be apart of the group but it just happened. They needed you one day to distract the cashier so they could steal supplies to help Ben and you were their only hope at the time.

Richie agreed and you wee forced to the front of the store where the cashier just looked like a child rapist. You had managed to steal a glance at a hopeful looking Eddie and that pushed your confidence to not only impress, but help, him.

You stood talking to the guy for a few minutes before seeing all the guys had left and you needed to know somehow find a way to escape. So, you awkwardly shoved a stack of pills from off the counter.

It gave you time to escape the awkward situation and go towards where your brother and his friends were. You found them all, Beverly coming up along side you as well.

Eddie was trying to fix Ben up from an attack and you just stared as your heart forgot how to beat momentarily as you watched him take care of the boy who was just helplessly leaning against the wall currently as Eddie began bandaging him up.

Bill nudged you slightly, shaking you from the current stare you were holding at the back of Eddie's head, and made you look anywhere but him while everyone was watching you.

That was your first occurrence with him. Your second happened when he came over with Bill on the invite of Richie. You sat at the kitchen table, drinking some soft drink that you had managed to mix some alcohol into, and doing homework.

"No, I swear to God that's not what happened." You heard your brother say as he came into the kitchen with Eddie following him closely. "No. You're wrong because I know what happened and you don't."

You looked up from the homework and watched the two boys loudly argue in front of you while you just smiled in Eddie's direction.

"Hey, could you maybe keep it down some. That'd be great." You spoke up, taking a sip of the drink that were now trying to hide from Richie before he got a sip.

He rolled his eyes, leaving the kitchen but Eddie didn't follow immediately, which surprised you. They weren't currently arguing which was a little scary considering how many times they had argued only today.

You sat back down, taking the drink out from behind your back as Eddie eyed it cautiously. "What the hell is that?" He asked you, watching as you took a sip.

"It is some type of soda I found and I mixed alcohol into it. Here." You replied, holding out the can. "Drink it."

He took it from your hand, slurping some down quickly, before making a disgusted face while you just smiled at him. "God, you are definitely Richie's little sister."

Your third encounter was the best one you had experienced yet. You were over at Eddie's house, getting some stuff together as Richie stood looking through cabinets for different pills.

You searched through a few but couldn't find anything that Eddie mentioned needing so you just gave up with even the idea of what he needed.

A sudden laugh was heard coming from the kitchen as you rushed in to see what your brother had found. "Are these birth control pills?" He asked him, holding some out to observe them while you just sighed, about to walk off to continue searching. 

"Yeah, and I'm saving them for your sister." You heard Eddie say, which paused you right in your footsteps. You turned back around and rushed in to see the small boy.

"You're saying you want to have sex with my little sister?" Richie asked as well, confusion masking his features along with yours but you still kept the smile.

"If you ever want to bang, Kaspbrak, hit me up." You said at the small boy who was somewhat taller than you. "Just don't let Richie know." You whispered in his ear, earning redness all over his face and a smile.


I hope you enjoyed but I'm going cross eyed so goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the demogorgan bite!!!

beep beep friends!!!


time: 5:11 am
words: 883


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