iii. jealousy

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Richie x Reader
A few swear words

You weren't always a part of the Losers club, nor did you really ever hang out around them but Henry Bowers pushed you to defend one of them one day. Since then, the Losers never let you out of their sight.

You had grown up decently enough with two parents that didn't hate each other but definitely didn't entirely love one another. If anything, Richie probably loved you more than both of your parents.

Richie always flirted with other people, and you knew this, but when he started getting quieter around you one day, you and the Losers were suspicious that something was up because not only did Richie talk.

He never stopped.

So, since you had managed to shut up the continually, annoying chatter, everyone was curious as to how and why this happened.

You had ended the school year with a big celebration inside your mind, fireworks exploding in your heart as the beat, and a smile plastered on your lips.

"Hey, ___. Glad to finally be out of this hellhole." Stan said to you, pouring in the contents of his backpack in the trash can next to the one you were using. You nodded, shaking the cotton bag once more to get out the rest of the remains.

"Thank God we're done. I don't think I could last another day here, anyways." You replied, slinging the backpack onto one of your shoulders as Bill, Eddie, and Richie made their way over to you with empty bags of their own.

Richie didn't say much when he got nearer to you but Bill greeted you while Eddie complained to Stan about his mother and her problems. You slightly nudged Richie to get his attention, smiling over at him.

"Are you just so speechless that you passed this grade level that you can't speak to me?" You questioned while Bill stared at both of you.

Richie adjusted his glasses and opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out so you turned away from him to talk to Eddie and shut him up about his mom.

"Hey, you still have those birth control pills?" You asked Eddie, Richie looking over at him from where he was standing. Eddie nodded, glancing around briefly before asking, "Yeah, why?"

You shrugged, an evident smirk on your pink lips. "No reason." Eddie just shook his head and began walking off, Bill and Stan following him. You nudged Richie again, getting his attention away from a rock he was staring at.

"Come on, let's go."

"I would like to congratulate ___ on finally being able to shut Richie up with his horribly done sex jokes and multiple occasions of flirting with other females." Eddie pronounced while you and the Losers sat in a circle at the Barrens.

The Barrens were basically a place where trees could easily cover you like a blanket, the sun shone through in small slivers like daggers, and the small, dirty creek that Eddie claimed to have AIDS provided a comforting noise of rushing water over rocks.

You smiled, leaning closer to Richie who was staring at you so intensely, you had to look away and back towards Eddie. "Congratulating me is more of a small gift of welcome. I mean, I shut Tozier up and still don't know how I did it."

Bill smiled over at you. "A-And the mystery deepens." You smiled over at him, laughing shortly after, and watched as Eddie spoke again.

"Okay, if it's too small for you, what do you want?" He asked, a small smile playing on the corners of his lips. You knew he had always liked you and never said anything but you had fallen for Richie first, so it was only fair to make him jealous in return.

"I think one kiss would suffice." You responded back, Eddie's face going red as a tomato and the rest of the Losers staring at you with surprise.

You stood up, a hand reaching out for Eddie's who took it momentarily, out of shock and surprise that you knew his little secret that he had tried to keep so subtle but you knew. You always knew.

You didn't even bother leaving the circle so that Richie wouldn't see. In fact, you wanted the thick lensed, trashmouth with an unfamiliar attitude to step in and kiss you instead. This was just a step into what you hoped would work out.

You pulled Eddie closer towards you, seeing the slight fear in his eyes but also the longing for this. He had probably waited for this moment to come true for a while and you were just waiting for Richie to step in still.

You began leaning closer to him, ready for your lips to touch his but a hand pulled you away, your back landing against the chest of the boy you had fallen head over heels for.

The trashmouth himself.

"Do not fucking touch her, Eds. She's mine, alright?" He said, a hand laying across your stomach to keep you against him while you smiled and almost felt like melting in his embrace.

Eddie just stared back. "Like she'd like you, trashmouth." He shot back, going back and sitting in his spot between Bill and Bev. You just smiled, holding onto his arm that was draped across your chest.

"Actually, Eddie," You began to say, looking up at Richie. "I've fallen hard for this," You tried to consider your words carefully. "Dick."

He rolled his eyes behind the thick lensed but you still smiled, watching as he turned you around to face him. He roughly put his hand through your hair and pulled you towards him so your lips were together sooner than you expected.

After a few gasps, you felt him let go and smile at Eddie. "Suck it, Eddie. She loves me." He replied, sticking out his tongue as Eddie sighed, crossing his arms and looking everywhere but you two.

"I still love you, Eddie. But trashmouth here somehow managed to steal my heart and I'm still not sure how. And all I needed was to push him a little and make him jealous for him to realize that he loves me too."


it's currently like, nearing dinner I think??? But I decorated my room for Christmas & its honestly amazing!!! The Christmas theme for my room this year is:

A Stranger Things Christmas

I'm super excited because if you know me, I basically am a walking, breathing Stranger Things obsession in the form of a human being.

I love the show so much!!!

hopefully you enjoyed this chapter & requests are available until:
*Dustin, drumroll please*
^you can just tell how much I love the show with my random stranger things references all the time!!!

> December 3rd at 12:00 pm!!! <

please request if you have an idea you want to come to life!!!

thanks for reading!!!

beep beep my friends.


time: 4:01 pm
words: 1166


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