xviii. eddie's little sister

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Richie x Reader
Swearing, Cutting, Blood

Being the little sister of someone who's in the Losers club wasn't the best for your reputation but you still considered yourself a part of the group, even if Eddie didn't want to admit it, he liked you being there with him to deal with the stupidity of everyone else.

"Eddie." You nudged him awake from his bed. You were kneeling down beside it, staring at him as he groggily woke up from sleep.

"What the hell, ___. It's like five in the morning." He mumbled softly so that he wouldn't wake your mother.

"I know, but you also know that I'm very adventurous. Beverly climbed up to my window a few minutes ago and told me to wake you up. We have to meet her at the corner of Neibolt and Turner street."

Eddie shot straight up, a terror-stricken face while you stayed kneeling on the floor of his bedroom, confusion masking your features.

"What is it?" You asked.

Before you had become a part of the Losers club officially, you only heard small snippets of what they had encountered and seen.

You didn't realize something had to do with Neibolt, even though that house was scary as hell and creepier than any other house in Derry.

"Eddie?" You asked once more, eager for an answer this time.

He looked down at you and opened his mouth. "No. I will go, but not you."

You stood up, shocked. "Eddie! Why can't I go? You know that my curiosity is the excitement of the group! And, you also know that I love seeing my friends."

Eddie grabbed his fannypack, fixing his hair as much as he could from the sleep, and beginning to walk to your window where the ladder was still where Beverly had perched it to talk to you.

"Because, ___, I want to keep you safe since you are my little sister. If something bad were to ever happen to you, I'd go crazy." Eddie responded, still opening the window as quietly as he could.

"Eddie, please." You began to beg, knowing how much he hated it. He usually let you come with him if you begged him enough to annoy him.

"Please." You asked again, giving him a look that you knew he noticed from the side of his eye.

"Please. Please. Please. Please. Please." You began to say, over and over and over again to the point where Eddie suddenly grabbed your shoulders.

"Okay, fine!" He whisper-yelled back in response. You gave him a bright smile, opening the window smoothly and quietly, and quickly climbing down the ladder.

"To Neibolt."

You both arrived at Neibolt, Eddie looking pained for reasons you still didn't understand and you noticed Beverly talking with the rest of the Losers.

"Hey." You said, approaching them. Your eye caught Richie Tozier's eye and you couldn't help but stare, briefly silenced just by his presence.

You and Richie had always had a thing for quite some time, but nothing ever came of it because of Eddie swearing that he'd get AIDS before ever even considering letting you two date.

You quickly looked away when Eddie walked up beside you but you could see the small smile on Richie's lips.

"Glad everyone's here. Mike, you got the gun?" Beverly asked. Mike nodded, holding up what had the looks of a gun but there was a small hole with a stick of metal that pushed through it.

"What exactly are we doing here, Bev?" You asked in confusion. You noticed Richie staring at you with a small smirk but you didn't look towards him knowing you wouldn't be able to look away.

"We," She began, motioning towards all the Losers and yourself, "Are going to kill IT. I'm done letting it torture us."

You nodded, looking over at Eddie who pulled out his inhaler, briefly bringing to his mouth. You reached down and grabbed his hand as he gave you a small nod so you released the grip.

"And how are we going to do this?" You asked.

Beverly smiled. "We aren't going to be afraid. Fear is what feeds it, and I'm planning on weakening, not strengthening, it."

"Alright, you guys ready?" Mike asked everyone.

You nodded, ready to beat up the ass of a clown who had tortured you and your friends since the last day of school and you weren't having it anymore.

The house on Neibolt street was scary from the outside but actually walking in the place gave you shivers, a feeling of solitary and sadness.

You and Richie weren't dating, of course because of your brother, but you grabbed his hand as you began walking inside the house.

Richie looked over at you. "What is it, ___?" He asked softly enough for you to hear. Eddie was behind the two of you but you always made small talk with Richie no matter the circumstances.

"N-Nothing. Reality just set in, I guess." You responded back, making your way down the stairs to find a rope and a well that Bill had mentioned to you once.

"Who's first?" Mike asked, holding out the rope as Beverly stepped forwards, eagerly getting down the well.

Bill was next, carefully grabbing the rope and trying not to slip from his grip and the high place he was currently in

Then, Stan.






You were supposed to be the last one that came down but fate decided differently for you.

"Well, well, well. Little Kaspbrak here."

You spun around quickly, coming face to face with Henry Bowers. He had tortured you almost all your life, recently torturing your friends and brother.

"What is it, Bowers." You said, stone cold voice that was unwavering.

Bowers just smiled, pulling out a knife and placing it on your arm. "Oh, not much. I know exactly all your fears and I know one of them is me."

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You can't be too sure."

Bowers only smiled, cutting into your arm as you let out a small squeak of pain, trying to move but he held you still as he slowly pulled the blade off your skin.

"Next arm, Kaspbrak."

You shook your head, grabbing his arm instead, and shoving him down into the well where you could hear his back cracking all the way down to the bottom, if there even was one.

You quickly scaled down the rope, vision flickering just slightly as the blood kept pouring out of your wound slowly.

You felt woozy and light headed when you reached to where your friends were.

"Hey, ___? You okay there?" Beverly asked you, concern on her face as you tried to hide the mark on your arm that was allowing the loss of feeling and sight.

She helped you into the small tunnel, pulling you along as you all began your small adventure to defeat the clown.

The blood was still pouring.

alright, there will be another part so don't worry!!!

hope y'all enjoyed!!!

beep beep friends.


time: 1:38 am
words: 1185


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