"he was special to me" (part nine)

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wow! so a lot of you guys have been requesting another part to this 'short' series and I'm so pleased to hear that it's doing so well! so, here's part nine of 'he was special to me'. enjoy :)


You turned around to look at the boy who had slowly fallen in love with you over the short course of time you two had met.

"Uh," You said, giving him an odd look. "I'm not sure that's a great idea."

Ben cocked his head to the side as you began to stand up, dusting some of the dirt off your shorts.

"Why not? Come on, tell me you aren't really still in love with him after all that time." He said, giving you a look.

"Excuse me?"

Ben shrugged. "He's been missing for a while, I'm not sure how you still manage to love him after so long."

You stood shocked. "Bill's been missing for two months! You really expect me to fall out of love with him?"

"I didn't say that-"

"No, you've said enough." You said, walking away with a grim pained look on your face as you made your way back to Bill.

"Can you believe him! Two months! Two! Months! I mean, I'd get it if it was like maybe half a year or something, but two months!" You ranted loudly to Bill who sat still on his bed.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" You asked him, looking over at him with angry tears in your eyes.

"Come here."

You slowly made your way over to him, allowing him to wrap you up in his arms. He placed his chin on top of your head as you sighed.

"Duh-Don't let him guh-get to you." Bill said.

You tried to twist, and turn, to get out of his grasp and argue but he held onto you tightly. "Hey, ruh-relax." He whispered softly.

You let yourself give in, finally letting the tears you had been holding back, let loose while you allowed Bill to keep you close to him.

"Wuh-What's wrong?"

"Ben. Not being able to see you for a long time. Ben." You said, burying your head into his chest as you turned yourself around.

Bill sighed, kissing the top of your head. "Hey, ruh-relax. I'm shuh-sure you're gonna buh-be okay. I'm huh-here now."

You smiled into his chest, nodding in the process as well. "I don't have to worry about Ben?"

Bill shook his head, keeping his grip tight on you. "Nuh-No, you don't."

You smiled. "You're special to me, Bill Denbrough."

end of this series guys!!!!

love you all!!!


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