xxii. tozier, huh?

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Richie x Reader
Light Swearing

Moving past the kids in the hallway without getting stares was one thing but when your friends gave you odd looks, you seriously questioned what the hell had happened.

"Hey, guys." You greeted, noticing Eddie turn towards the others before spinning back around to face you.

"Hey, ___."

You heard the hesitance in his voice, and you suddenly knew something was going on inside your friend group.

"Okay, what is it." You asked sharply, turning towards them with a thin line drawn across your lips.

Bill acted as if he was confused and you could easily pick up the hint. "Bill?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It wuh-wasn't me. I suh-swear."

You frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"It wuh-was Tozier."

The name brought a smile to your lips but at the same time, the frown quickly replaced it when you realized how they were speaking.

Their tone was negative.

"Tozier, huh?" You asked, looking across each of the boys before one of them finally gave in and nodded.


"Where is he?"

Eddie pointed over by the gym, knowing very well he was hiding from Bowers in the boys locker room, a place you had shared your first kiss in.

It was to Richie.

"I'll be right back." You said, storming off in curiosity yet anger at the same time.

"Tozier, thought I'd find you in here."

Your voice was dripping, practically sopping, with the angry words that you wanted to spill over.

"What is it, sweet cheeks?" He asked, standing up to get a better look of you.

You only shook your head, tossing your backpack down across a bench that seemed like it was placed randomly in the locker room.

"Don't call me that. Especially not after what you did. I'm not sure what the hell it is but Jesus, Tozier! Everyone is staring at me and the Losers-"

You felt his lips on yours before the end of your sentence was created.

"I only told them that I was dating you. No big deal, doll."

You blushed, embarrassingly looking down towards the dirty floor of the locker room.

"Oh, okay."

You felt his hand slip into yours and his lips brush your cheek briefly before he smiled and you let out a few words.

"I love you, Tozier."

"I love you too, Doll."

sorry it's so short & another Richie one (he's the love of my life, what can I say!) but I needed to update & my Stranger things book is at 2.71k reads!!!!!

Nearing 3k!!!!

Thanks so much for reading, merry Christmas, & beep beep friends.


time: 11:31 pm
words: 457
minutes until Christmas: 29 minutes!!!
date: December 24, 2017; 11:31 pm


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