"he was special to me" (part two)

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requested by: SomewhatCivilized


"Can you make me a paper boat?"


You watched as Bill tore paper from his drawing notebook at his desk, Georgie looking outside at the clearly dreadful, rainy day, but you could see the smile on his lips as his eyes scanned the window.

You couldn't help but smile back, happiness bubbling up in your chest as you watched Bill finish folding the boat, frowning down at it.

"What is it, Billy?" Georgie asked sweetly, coming over to look at the boat that was sitting flatly on the desk.

"I nuh-need wax." He stuttered out softly, Georgie looking a little taken aback and a slight frown now adorning his lips.

You got up from the bed, coming over to where the two boys were as you glanced between them. "What is it?"

"Billy, do I have to?" Georgie asked, practically begged, as you asked Georgie what was happening. He looked up at you and answered,"I have to go to the cellar."

"Yuh-You want it to fuh-float, don't you?" Bill asked. Georgie sighed, slightly dismayed as you turned to him.

"Georgie, wait. I can go get it for you. Just stay here with Bill. I'll be right back." You told them both, Bill grabbing your arm and pulling you to him.

"Be careful."

You mumbled into his neck, "I'm going downstairs. I'll be back before you know I'm gone, alright, Denbrough?"

He nodded, letting you go as Georgie thanked you, watching you as you shut the door quietly, and snuck downstairs and into the cellar.

You have to admit, even with the noises from the piano and knowing Bill was right upstairs, the cellar was a little creepy but you just wanted to get this over with.

You made your way down the stairs quickly and stepped right into water that came up the bottom of your shoe. It wasn't a ton of water but you might should warn someone.

However, you remembered why you were down there, quickly scanning the shelves for the wax that Bill was telling Georgie about.

Then, you spotted it.

A small box that said 'Golf Wax' on it caught your eye and you grabbed it, rushing back upstairs, and shutting the door before sneaking back upstairs quickly so his parents wouldn't be able to see you.

They liked you but they didn't know you had stayed the night, and they wouldn't enjoy hearing that news so sneaking around was the only way to get this done.

You made it back into the room, handing the wax to Bill who took it before snaking an arm around your waist and briefly pecking your lips.

"Yuck." Georgie said from where he was standing. You giggled at the little boy while Bill went to put wax on the paper boat.

Silence set in but it was a soft silence, soothing almost as Bill rubbed the wax onto the boat with a concentrated frown, making you smile as you watched the little boy beside him get excited about each stroke.

"Thu-There you go. Sh-She's all ready, captain." Bill said to the younger boy as he tilted his head in response.


"We always call buh-boats she, Georgie." He responded as the younger boy just wrapped his hands around his neck, holding him close before letting go and bounding out of the room.

"Do you think we should go with him, just in case something happens?" You questioned as Bill just waved down at him from the driveway.

"I thu-think he'll be o-okay. After all, nuh-no one in their ruh-right mind would guh-go out in this weather." Bill responded as he turned to you.

"Bill, I think we should go. Come on." You said, something not sitting right with you as you slid on the raincoat and goulashes from last night and glancing back at him.

"___, I'm sick."

You frowned. "Screw your sickness, Denbrough. I don't want something to happen to Georgie and we can't see it happen. Come on."

He nodded, slipping on his own rain gear before climbing out of the window with you, shutting it back into place while you two slid down onto the porch and ran out into the street, hearing a scream.

You grabbed Bill's hand, running towards the scream as quickly as you could, fear clenching your heart but calmed down when you saw a little girl playing in a pool of water.

"Billy!" You heard the scream of Georgie as you both ran towards where the sound was coming from.

When you got to a sewer where you heard the scream, all you could see was blood running down the streets from the rain.

Georgie was nowhere to be seen in sight.

"Georgie?" You called out, cupping both hands to your mouth as you suddenly felt a tug on your leg. You pulled your leg away, still screaming for Georgie but didn't hear the screams of Bill as something pulled him under.

Rain was all that could be heard as you turned around, Bill nowhere to be found.

Now, you were scared.

Not only were both of the boys gone but you didn't see them leave or disappear. Your heart was speeding up out of fear, tears flowing out of your eyes when they weren't there before.

"Bill?" You called out, suddenly seeing Georgie running with a paper boat in hand towards you, laughing the entire way.

"___! I can't wait to tell Bill about this!" He yelled to you, smiling as he ran past you and back on home.

Your lungs felt as if they stopped working as you ran in the direction of your house but you couldn't go in there right now.

Not after what happened.

But you had too.

So, you ran quickly inside and into your mom who was standing right outside of the door with a frown on her lips and an umbrella in hand.

"Mom, I think something's happened to Bill."

Your mom stared at you confused as you tried to stutter and explain everything leading up to the moment, tears streaming down your face the entire time.

"Honey, I'm sure he might've been trying to scare you. He'll be at school tomorrow."

You nodded, removing the hood from the top of your head, walking upstairs to your room where you stared blankly at the wall, guilt suddenly washing over you.

Something bad had happened to Bill and you knew it.



beep beep friends.


words: 1104


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