text conversation

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a/n: something different I decided to try. stay tuned, loves.

to: Trashmouth
from: ____

alright, Tozier, what the hell do you want from me now?

what's that supposed to mean.

i know that you like me, but the real question is, are you doing it to earn money or something?


took you a few seconds to respond
you sure about that answer, Tozier?


alright, spill it

spill what?

oh, shut up. you know what I'm talking about.

actually, I don't. care to explain, ___?

come on, trashmouth. eddie told me everything from how you liked me to how you wanted to date me and even something I will not dare to repeat.

fucking eddie.
what if it's true?

is it?


Tozier, answer me.
I just want to know what you want from me. people don't just like me.
they hate me.
i'm not a slut, or a mistake, but with the shit I get
might as well be

eddie shouldn't of said anything yet.

what's that supposed to mean.

absolutely nothing.

what the hell is up, Richie?
Richie, I know you're getting these.
Come on, trashmouth.

fine! i'm in love with you, alright?
there. is that what you wanted?

why! i'm nothing but an act of assault.
why would you love a freak like me?

you're far from any mistake
reword that, okay?
you're amazing is what I'm trying to get at, aight?

i'm nothing special, Tozier

oh, but you are. no matter what you tell me.
i think you have the most beautiful mind.
and I hope that your mind can agree with me
that we'd look kickass together.
what do ya say, hotstuff?

is that your slick way of asking me out?

call it what you want, but yes.

then, of course.
just don't tell eddie anymore of your secrets so we don't have to have this talk again.


I tried a text conversation!!

I love reading these on other books & thought I'd try one. leave comments telling me if I should continue doing these :)

beep beep friends.


words: 348


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