credit (part four)

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The morning was a Saturday to your great relief, and it also brought happiness to Richie so he could ask you all about the events of last night- or what you could remember.

You woke up entangled in the sheets without Richie next to you- which surprised you.

Richie was always with you, always on top of you. So to find him not next to you, was definitely surprising.

You sat up, getting an instant sickness and a headache that rushed to your quickly. You placed your head in the palms of your hands, trying to sit up straight without being sick.

"You're awake." Richie said, coming into the room.

You looked up, nodding briefly before laying back down. "I wish I wasn't."

Richie laughed, climbing into the bed with you, only to pull you close to him as you let yourself fall into a sweet trance in his hold. You inhaled his scent that smelled sweetly of strawberries but had the bitterness of cigarettes.

"Hey, do you remember anything that happened last night?" Richie asked you sweetly, still holding you close to him as you sighed.

"Uh, I'll tell you what I can."

You sat up, instantly grabbing his hands and holding them tightly, while Richie sat up as well- facing you with his thick lenses illuminating the curiosity in his eyes.

"So, I remember going to the party, getting ready and all of that. Uh, I also remember going inside and what it smelled like. I remember going to the punch bowl and getting a bunch of punch- which made me drunk. I remember you trying to get me to leave but I pulled you out to the dance floor and we danced, and then you took me upstairs and we kissed for a little bit before you suddenly got angry and left for some reason. So, Beverly took me home."

By the end of your story, Richie's face was pure hurt and anger.

You were genuinely scared.

"Y-Yes?" You squeaked out.

Richie looking angry was terrifying.

He got up all of sudden, yanking his hands from your hold. "How the hell could you cheat on me!" He asked, fuming.

You looked scared. "I, uh, I was drunk, Rich."

He turned towards you, anger on his face. "Leave."

You looked taken aback. "Wuh-What?"

"I said to leave." He said, anger lacing his words.

He watched you slowly get up, grabbing your clothes and shoes, before opening his bedroom door and turning around to face him one more time.

"Maybe you should've been there and none of that would've happened without my consent."

With that, you walked out of his room, shutting the door behind you sharply.

When you got out into the yard of the Tozier's, you went behind his tallest bushes- changing back into the white t-shirt, jeans, and bright red converse from last night before folding up his shirt and placing it on his doorstep.

You felt so broken down- so hurt and astonished all at once.

You needed to see your friends.

You began your walk towards the one place everyone met up at on Saturday's- the Quarry and all of your's special rock.

You could hear them before you could see them.

"Okay, but all I'm saying is that ____ and Richie need to really think it through if they're going to do that." You could hear someone say.

Your eyes pricked with tears- just hearing his name reminded you of only a few minutes ago when he shut you out for you letting someone kiss you.

He should've been there.

You cleared your throat softly, wiping away the tears, as you tried to get the courage to speak up and warn others of your presence.

"Huh-Hi, guys." You said, mentally scolding yourself for choking on your words.

Richie wasn't there to help you through it- he was the cause of this hurt this time. You were so right about being vulnerable with him- so vulnerable that it ended up costing you happiness.

All of them turned to look at you.

"You okay?" Stan asked, glancing over at Beverly who could see it in her eyes that something was seriously wrong.

"Can I, uh, speak with Beverly for a little bit?" You asked, trying to choke back the tears that were building up.

All of them nodded, getting up and going towards the water where they all supposedly jumped in but secretly began to eavesdrop.

"What's up?" Beverly asked gently.

You sat down, beginning to just sob.

All of the Losers, including Beverly, were surprised. You had never cried around them- only around Richie. You had never showed a weak side around them- only around Richie.

This was all surprising.

"Who did this?" Beverly asked, pulling you into a tight hug. You accepted, holding onto her tightly as well while shaking.

"Bev, did someone else kiss me last night?" You asked her loudly enough for her to hear- at least, that's what you thought.

"Yes. Richie had gone by the time I got to you so, someone must've." She said. Suddenly, it hit her. "Oh my god, is that what this is about?"

"Richie," You paused, swallowing the tears forming. "He's mad at me for cheating on him." You shushed yourself.

Beverly shook her head. "He can go suck a dick because I swear to God- if he had actually been there and taking care of you like he said he would, then maybe that wouldn't of happened."

You began to cry even louder. "Bev, I can't lose him. He's making me a better person and he's bringing so much joy into my life."

She shushed you, continuing to hold onto you.

You hated being weak around your friends but it was necessary. You were allowed to show your emotions to other people, weren't you?

They weren't all just reserved for Richie.

part five is on the way :)


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