1) Gay marriage & shoving your beliefs down others' throats

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Thanks to Bloomability_ for the awesome cover

First off. Gay marriage.

Now, my religion prohibits gay marriage therefore I am not going to have a gay marriage myself.

Obviously. At least I hope it was obvious.

But if others want to have a gay marriage then let them get one! Let them fuck whoever they like! Just let them have a wedding with whoever they like with flowers and music and dancing and whatever you do in your weddings. If you're against gay marriage then fair enough, I respect your beliefs. But just because you believe that doesn't mean others do and it certainly doesn't mean you can stop others from having a gay marriage just because you can't have one.

Nobody and I mean nobody on this Earth or on Jupiter has the right to tell anyone else who they can marry and who they can't marry. So, for the love of God or Jesus or Pete, do not and I repeat do not, go around saying that gay people can't marry just because its against your beliefs. It's none of your effing business who someone marries and who someone doesn't marry. Wait, I have an idea! Why don't you lot decide who you're going to marry first before deciding who others are going to marry? That way, a lot of people wouldn't be able to do this.

If a heterosexual couple were getting married, would you ambush their wedding and say they can't get married because its against your beliefs? Or would you have a protest, changing the law so that heterosexuals can't get married? No? I didn't think so. So, how is it any different for homosexuals. Because I can assure you that they are people too, people with feelings, just not for the opposite gender.

Now, I also realised that its not just in gay marriage when people have a habit of shoving their beliefs down others' throats. They bring it in to every. Single. Argument they have because its the only thing they have to back them up. They have no solid facts or even properly formulated opinions. Just something that they picked out of their religion and thought "ooh! This sounds intelligent! I better remember this." These people better get these ideas out if their head before I make them because you cannot just rely on religion to back up your arguments. You can use it as one of your points, fair enough, religion is often a big part if people's lives and affects their opinion but using religion on its own to backup your arguments is just going to make you look like an idiot. That's right, because it appears that you only know what your religion says and not what other sources say.

So next time you go around, hating on gays, for absolutely no logical reason whatsoever just remember, you make yourself sound like an idiot.

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Later, folks


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