7) Stupid bios

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Today's rant is about some of the bios I see on wattpad today. Honestly, some of them make me wish advanced technology existed so I put my fist through the screen and punch some sense into them.

I mean, I really do not care about your relationship status. Because majority of the time, you're mentally dating Alex Pettyfer, who I only heard of through these bios. -_-. Yeah, not big on celebrities.

Nor do I want you to list your entire music library.

But why not? I love listening to music, you say?

I'm sure you do but so do most people on this planet but nobody on this planet cares about who didn't make it to your music library.

And the ones where people pity themselves and list all their life problems makes me want to hit you upside the head.

News flash. Everyone has life problems. Jeez, you're not the only person on this planet who's ever self harmed or feels suicidal. Which leads me to another thing.

Why the fuck would you put the fact that you self harm and feel suicidal on your bio? You do realise that anybody on the Internet can see that, including your own mother. I don't know about you but if I ever self harmed or felt suicidal (which I am not), I would not broadcast it to the whole world. I mean, isn't that kind of private?

And I came across another bio and here's a line from it and I quote "Yes, that is me in my profile pic and I know, I'm ugly" -_- No person who was insecure about their looks would post their face as their profile picture on an anonymous website! She was just an attention seeking whore who wanted people to say "No, of course you're not ugly! You're beautiful just the way you are!" Nobody on this website gives a flying fuck about what you look like, dude.

And when people use text talk on their bios, I just wish text talk never even existed. Are you really that lazy that you can't even type in proper English or whatever language your bio is in? And the ones where people are like "hiiiiiiiiii, I looooooveeeee youuuuu alllllll"

I mean, I would really appreciate it if you don't make my eyesight any worse by making me read that.

And another thing. When it says "this account is currently being hacked by @username" and the bio goes on to describe a bunch of bullshit about that person. Can't you write your own fucking bios? Are you that much of an idiot? There was even one where apparently, the account was hacked by the guy's girlfriend and I kid you not, it said stuff like "he is the sweetest person on this whole planet" and "no touchies, girlies *hisses*."

I don't need you to have your account hacked so they can describe each of your physical characteristics in detail, again, another bio said "and she's really tall, she's like 5'10 but she claims that she's not tall." If your aim was to make me feel even shorter than I actually am, then congratulations, you did it!

And there's always the one who has to either have their whole bio made up entirely of quotes or gives a list of their favourite quotes. I mean, I don't mind one or even two quotes, I even have one on my own bio but when you overdo it, it just becomes an eyesore because frankly, I don't care about that massive list of favourite quotes floating around your head.

What about the people who write their full name, their address, their email address and other personal details? These people are idiots. I mean, it's okay to put your first name on your bio, if you don't mind but this is the Internet. The Internet is full of people who could track you down if you put personal details for the whole world to see.

So what does make a good bio, you say?

Well, according to me, a good bio included none of the above and is preferably, written in English. I understand if English isn't your first language and you can't speak it all that great but it would be greatly appreciated if your bio could be read by a wider range of people. I went to thank someone for following me and as usual, I read their bio. It was written in German -_- I don't know a word of German besides "Hallo!" And I'm pretty sure that's wrong. The person could speak English, she replied to my thanks in good English, so I simply cannot fathom why she didn't write her bio in English.

Anyways, I realise I went off on a bit if a tangent there but again, a good bio has information about you, as a person, something that I will remember about you, something that is not bullshit.

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Later folks


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