6) One Direction related stuff

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Before I start ranting, I want to make one thing very clear. I do not have anything against One Direction themselves so nobody start hating on me.

1) One Direction FanFiction

One Direction fanfictions. The books that plague wattpad and has many a wattpader seething. Now, I'be never read One Direction fanfiction myself nor will I ever. I have absolutely no interest in them and I don't like fanfictions in general.

But One Direction fanfictions truly make me sick.

I've heard of the tales of Harry Styles and his sex slaves and Zayn Malik falling in love with a random British girl.

Let us take a moment to think about this. Directioners, in particular.

Do you seriously think a world famous dude would look twice at a normal, everyday British girl? If so, you're bonkers.

And the Harry Styles and his sex slaves is just plain disgusting. Imagine if Harry Styles stumbled upon that book or the many books which feature him raping, abusing and kidnapping teenage girls everywhere, and started reading it. How would he feel?

He certainly wouldn't be thanking the authors for that, I can tell you that much.

He may be a world famous celebrity but that doesn't mean you have the right to write such disgusting fanfictions about him and other members of the band. They're real people, you know.

It's not like The Hunger Games fanfictions or the Harry Potter fanfictions. These characters are fictional characters, only existing in the pages of the books and people's imaginations. But One Direction? They're real people.

Keep that in mind next time you write something disgusting about them.

And don't even get me started on the unrealistic fantasies in those fanfictions. Many, not all, as written by 13 year olds and feature graphic sexual scenes. I honestly believe that these 13 year olds watch way too much porn for their own good. How else are they able to write such graphic scenes?

Now, I repeat, I have never read them but I've heard of them. I also repeat, I will never read them because, quite frankly, I'm not reading porn. It's disgusting.

Another unrealistic fantasy. The girls are adopted by One Direction. Seriously? Is a world famous band going to drop by some children's home, choose a girl and take them on a world tour? Ha! As if!

In your dreams! Literally.

So, One Direction fanfictions, if I see you anywhere on my screen, I will throw the screen. Even if its the brand new family MacBook.

2) Extreme Directioners:

Now, I am not hating on all Directioners, many if them are in fact, quite reasonable and I have a few such friends.

But the extreme ones are going to be singled out.

These extreme Directioners are so obsessed with One Direction that they will go to any means necessary to defend them.

Story time.

One day, Isabella was discussing with her friend, Suzy, about what her reaction would be if Isabella told her she hated One Direction. Suzy said she would give Isabella a good old lecture and try to convince Isabella not to hate on them. Suzy also pointed to a classmate, Sarah, and told Isabella not to tell her that Isabella hates One Direction. So what did foolish, young and idiotic Isabella do? Isabella did exactly that and said to Sarah "I hate One Direction." Sarah promptly bitch slapped Isabella and punched her.

The End

By the way guys, in case some if you didn't notice, Isabella is me and Sarah is the extreme Directioner. Isabella does not hate One Direction by the way, she simply does not have any interest in them.

Back to talking in first person.

See that story? That is a classic example of what an extreme Directioner does. Though admittedly, you must be a teenage girl in high school to have met one. But I simply cannot wrap my head around the reason for her doing that. I mean, it's okay to like a band, nothing wrong with that but when you are so obsessed with them that it comes to the point where you are eating people alive for their opinion, that's where you have a problem. The truth may be hard to swallow but One Direction would never look at their fan girls twice if they came and saw them in real life.

I must admit I have had my fair share if fun by teasing her about One Direction. There was that one time I asked her if One Direction had 3 gingers and a blondie. Her reaction was beautiful.

Anyways, if you want any more amusing stories about Isabella and Sarah, feel free to ask, I can guarantee you a few laughs.

3)The fact that they're taking over the world:

Okay fine, this is an exaggeration but I honestly am surprised that they haven't gone out if fashion yet, if you know what I mean. I'm surprised that majority of the teenage girl population is still interested in One Direction after they hit the fame jackpot in 2010.

I'm surprised that the people haven't moved onto a cute, young singer. A guy of course. I just hope they do go out of fashion soon because their stupid faces are everywhere and it's irritating me. I walk into a shop and bam! One direction merchandise!

One Direction backpack, One Direction birthday cards, One Direction t-shirts, the lot. I mean, I'd really appreciate it if I could walk into a bookstore with my gift card in hand, ready to buy a brand new book and be faced with One Direction.

Another time, I was in the shopping centre and there was a life-size cardboard cut out if One Direction. I kid you not, I saw this with my own eyes and I wished I had the ability to shoot lasers with my eyes at that moment in time.

So I hope to dear God that one day, they'll disappear of the face of the media.

Vote if you think all this One Direction crap is getting a little too much

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Later folks


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