8) Disney Channel

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Today's rant is about some of the hideous crap I've seen on that channel. It's so hideous I can't even bear to say its name. But for the sake of this rant, I will. I hope my heart doesn't give out by then.

I can't even bear to flick to that show out of boredom nowadays, some of the shit I've seen is enough to make throw the remote at the screen and hope it breaks. And I live for TV.

Honestly, shows like Austin & Ally, I Didn't Do It, Liv and Maddie and Violetta just makes me want to wish those shows had never been born.

Goddamn it, I don't know if any of you have watched Liv and Maddie but I can tell you firsthand, never watch it. Ever. It is one of the worst shows I have ever come across. Do you know what it's about? It's about twins, which is so original becuase the concept has never been used before. Suite Life of Zack & Cody and Suite Life on Deck, just in case you don't know what I'm talking about. Now, the Suite Life shows were actually enjoyable shows, the twins, Zack and Cody were two idiots who constantly got in trouble and their friends were equally idiotic. It was a show I could actually laugh about, I could actually laugh about Zack and Cody's antics, London's stupidity, Mr Moseby's temper and Baily's farm stories. With Liv and Maddie, Liv is a celbrity and Maddie is a tomboy. That's actually all there is to their characters. Liv keeps talking about that show "Sing it Loud" like people actually care and Maddie has an obsession with basketball. That's all there is to their lives, and instead of it being a normal show where they record everything, they keep fixing back to people in the middle of a fucking scene where they talk about how much they hate it. And unlike, Zack and Cody who are real life twins, Liv and Maddie are played by the same actress. Fraternal twins do exist, you know. It's so interesting that I advice you, once again, not to check it out.

Now, Austin and Ally. The two friends who made a fortune together. This one annoys me to the extent that if I see it on, I'll switch the TV off. It's about a guy and a girl, who like each other but can't date each other for reasons only God knows. So do you know what it is, evey single episode? Austin meets another girl, Ally meets another guy, both get jealous of each other, both explain themselves and apologise. The end! Oh, and don't forget to throw in some crap from their trusted friends, Trish and Dez. It used to be good, when it first started but now it's just a load of loveless drama.

I haven't watched the other two shows, I didn't Do it or Violetta but neither do I want to watch it. To be honest, I no longer want to watch anything on Disney Channel besides Phineas and Ferb.

What happened to those great shows, great cartoons like Kim Possible, The Darlingtons and so much more? What happened to shows that had good, clean humour? Shows that my dad would happily let me watch? My dad certainly wouldn't let me watch some of the shit they have on it now.

Even when I was growing up and they took all those shows out and replaced it with shows like Good Luck, Charlie, Wizards of Waverly Place and as already mentioned, The Suite Life series. I loved watching Good Luck Charlie, their crazy family was actually relatable to mine. If you look at Liv's family, they're just plastic people who act nothing like a real family. All the shows I just listed had actual humour in it, actual people in it who I could laugh at. Now, that I'm older, there really is nothing much to watch in Disney Channel with the exception of Phineas and Ferb. If only I had their imaginations. I could take over Disney Channel and put on all the old shows. Put on shows that I wouldn't min letting my youngest brother watch when he's older. I mean, all these how's have al sorts of sexual innuendos and scenes that are not appropriate for him when he turns 10.

Now, I know Spongebob Sqaurepants has nothing to do with Disney Channel but they're even taking that show off air too. The other shows I've seen on that channel just make me want to gag. Spongebob Squarepants was my favourite cartoon, growing up. Even, Fairly Odd Parents. But now, what will my brother watch, what will the younger generation watch?

Not only is it about having good, clean shows for kids to watch, what about the days when families used to watch TV together? Those days are long over for the majority of us now, many of us preferring to watch on our laptops, tablets and phones. I'm going to end this rant before I start to feel nostalgic about the TV days.

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Later folks


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