14) Idiotic Comments

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Okay, I'll be honest, I've never actually gotten any idiotic coments before, they were all polite and nice and full of rainbows and unicorns and whatnot. 

But I was reading the comments on a video on YouTube and one of them said and I quote

"I hope you lose your lawsuit. BWAAHAHAHAHA!!!" 

And yes, he did actually say it like that. First up, that comment wasnt even relevant to that particular video or any other video she's made. Secondly, was that even necessary? Literally, nobody needs to know our opinion on whether she loses it or not. All that comment did was make other users of YouTube kick up a big fuss too. The YouTuber didn't even reply to the hateful comment herself. Thirdly, that's just nasty. Ever heard of the saying "if you've got nothing good to say, don't say anything at all"? Clearly you haven't which just shows your level of intellect.  Finally, just keep things like that to yoursef. The whole world doesn't need to know that your're a sadistic, pathetic bastard who wouldn't have the guts to say something like that in real life. 

Now that I've finished ranting about that particular comment, I'm going to rant about other types of comments that I have mainly seen on wattpad.

1- Update: 

Literally, that is alll the comment says : update.

This one is just so offensive if the author just updated 2.5 seconds ago. They've updated and now you want another one already? Like, I understand that you can't wait for their next update but I am going to reveal to you a fact that is so shocking that you may want to have a defibrilliator nearby : authors have lives too. 

Shocking, isn't it? Absolutely unfathomable. I mean, how is it possible for an author to have a life? They're just a username on a screen, right?


Look here, idiots, authors have to breathe, sleep, eat and shit too. Just like you. They're not people who have magically transformed into aliens in the process of writing. Trust me.

And I know that some of you especially dimwitted idiots will be thinking : well, will adding "plz" before it help? No, it bulshitting doesn't, so don't even dream about doing that.

2- OMGGGGZZZZ. Dis is like, totes amazeballs:

Can I just start off by saying that I loathe the words 'totes' and 'amazeballs' even more than I loathe Jane Eyre? 

Now, back to the topic at hand.

Please. I beg of you. Use proper English. I'll even get down on my knees and put my hands together. I'm that desperate because honestly? That kind of language makes me cringe. It makes me wonder what the teenage population of English speakers are coming up with today.  

So, please, please, type properly. You can even use Google or ask your granny (if she speaks English, that is) if you've forgotten how to speak proper English. Do something. Anything. Just do us all a favour and spare us the embarrassment of reading that. 

3- You must do as I say or risk eternal damnation

These ones are just so annoying because well, let's face it, who likes being told what to do by an idiot? Now, I don't mind the ones who make suggestions, those are helpful. But the ones which go like this: "You have to change the character, I hate him/her" or "You have to come up with a sequel for this book." Who asked you to dictate what the author should and shouldn't do? Because in those comments, you sound more like a weird boss than an idiot on wattpad. Look, I'm going to be straight up honest with you: nobody wants that. Nobody wants your comments if you're going to act like a little smart ass. 

I can't think of anything else right now so I'll just end it at that.

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Later, folks


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