12) Short Girl Problems

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Okay, this rant has been inspired by an incident that happened yesterday where somebody just had to ask if I'm the same age as my 10 year old friend.

1) Everybody mistakes you for an 11 year old

Seriously, do you realise how annoying that is when somebody asks you "Oh, are you in year 7?"

Fuck, no, I'm about to start my last year of high school, not my first. People, let us clear one thing up. I am not 11 years old. As shocking as that may seem, what with my height and all, I am not 11.

2) You're expected to wear heels

I effing hate heels, they're so damn uncomfortable. I don't care about the fact that I'm not even 5' yet, I will not sacrifice my comfort just to look tall. I don't care that society sees tall as pretty and short as ugly, my comfort comes first.

My mother, my own mother, forces me to wear heels to special occasions just so I can look of human height. I'm just thanking God they're only 2 inch wedges because I absolutely refuse to go near those stilettos. I'd just end up face planting in them, I cannot balance in pin sized heels. I don't even know how other people can do it or how they manage to wear those 6 inch heels but that's another rant for anther day.

Society can go and fuck itself - being tall really isn't all that important, folks.

3) You can't reach things on high shelves

This is supremely annoying, I cannot reach high shelves and lets just say that it can get a little embarrassing when you're standing on your toes, wth your fingers outstretched and you still cannot reach the bloody thing. And then some 6' girl comes by and manages to reach that item so effortlessly and I'm just stood there....

Yeah, let's not go into that.

4) Everyone towers over you

I am not kidding, I know an 11 year old who towers over me. An 11 year old. Imagine how tall the girls my age must be. It's not exactly nice when you're talking to a friend and you're having to crane your neck to talk to them.

Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration but you know what I mean.

5) Most of the clothes don't fit you

I'm too big for the children's section but I'm also too short for the adults section. Which means my trousers are too long. And I have to adjust them. Why can't shops cater to the people under 5'? I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person in the world who's under 5'. Yeah, pretty sure, I'm not the shortest girl in my class after all.

Anyways, that wraps up my little rant on short girl problems.

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Later folks,


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