34) Rant books as a trend

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Not knowing that rant books are a trend on wattpad is a bit like living in the UK/US (I don't know about other countries) and not knowing that crop tops and high waisted pants are a trend.

Remind me to shoot myself next time I see a girl wearing those.

Anyways, a lot of wattpaders have been jumping on the "bandwagon" and writing their own rant books.

Thing is; are you writing those rants because you like complaining or are you writing them for the sake of writing them?

Take my advice people and only write rants if you're the kind of person who takes great joy in complaining, being a pessimist and so on and so forth. Because I can tell you right now, if you're one of those chirpy, eternally optimistic people, it's gonna be hard.

Don't write rants because you want to be a sheep and follow the herd and don't write in the summary of your rant book, "that's right, I'm joining the trend and starting my own rant book."

Please. Don't. It annoys me because you come off as a sheep.

And if you do start a rant book, do not for the love of God, write 2 rants, realise you have nothing else to rant about and open a thread asking for topics.

Just no. That's not what a ranter does. A real ranter rants because there's just so much shit to rant about in this world.

2 rants is pathetic, man. Absolutely pathetic.

And just because rant books are a trend does not mean that you can sit back and watch the reads, votes and comments roll in. Trust me, even Cinderella couldn't do that. You gotta work hard you gotta give it your virtual blood, sweat and tears.

And be prepared for the haters. There will always be haters who will bash you on your opinion (unless you're lucky like me). And don't take someone disagreeing with you as a hater because there is a fine line between the two.

Google it if you don't know that line.

But all that put aside, ranting is a great pastime if you have the passion for it.

I hope you guys like this post, if you did, vote, comment, all the good stuff.

Oh and by the way, if you want to take part in the interviews, feel free to PM me or comment below about it.

Later, folks


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