24) The Apprentice

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The Apprentice is back, people!

(Yes, I am that nerd who likes to watch the Apprentice)

Nonetheless, most of the candidates annoy me, with all their usual arrogance and boastful remarks.

I mean, Daniel said and I kid you not, "I'm an alpha male, I can get most women in the business world to do what I want and come to think of it, some men."

Haha, is he for real? The only women in the business world who will do what he wants are his personal assistants. And he hasn't got any. He should be fired already, did you hear what he said when he was pitching that grey sweater? "I wouldn't wear the thing out in public." Yup, that's a real winning line, right there. Thanks for making the sweater seem even worse than it already is.

Oh and as he so kindly pointed out, there are five i's in individual brilliance. How humble.

And then there's Scott with that despicable accent - it sets my nerves on edge, he sounds all haughty with it even though it's not his fault. Oh and saying, "I've put my balls on the line" about 2904 million times does not make you seem very manly. Like, come up with a better line, at least. I never really liked him to be honest, did you see the way he acted as Project Manager? Thank the Lord (literally, Lord Sugar fired him) he's fired now.

Oh and for those of you who don't know how he acted, when his idea was shot down by his team, he was just like, "you know what?! I don't care anymore, you can do whatever you want now" and "guys, I want you to come to me with solutions, not problems." You're the Project Manager, for Pete's sake. And, (sorry not sorry, I just really didn't like him) he volunteered because he attended a convention for wearable technology a week before coming onto the Apprentice. That's like saying I should teach Physics because I've attended a billion and one Physics lessons. Yeah, no.

I also want that annoying little dipshit, Sarah, off too. In the first week, she wanted all the girls to wear really short skirts, sky high heels, heap their make up on, the works. At least she didn't say lower your tops, that would really have brought the fire out in some girls. But the dress code; come on, Sarah, you really think you're going to get more business by doing that?


The only reason she hasn't been fired yet is because she's always on the winning team. Oh and when she was project managing, she was like "no, no, I'm the project manager, you do all the dirty work and I project manage"

I really want to stick a knife in that woman's neck, man, she just annoys the hell out of me.

Who else is there to rant about...?

I don't think there's any other candidate I particularly despise but me being the sassy bitch I am, can't resist making comments about them.

Felipe thinks that Felipe should be project manager. Does everyone agree with Felipe?

Why do you talk in the 3rd person...? He doesn't just do that on TV either, he does it in the house too.

Isabella thinks Felipe needs to explain himself.

Isabella thinks Solomon is hot though. What? Don't judge me, he really is hot.

Go and Google him if you like, the name's Solomon Akhtar and come back to me with the results.

I'm stroking my non existent beard right now, trying to think of any others. Eh, can't really think of anyone, the rest, surprisingly aren't very arrogant and don't really give me reason to not watch the show anymore.

Though I don't like the Lord himself, a bit rude if you ask me.

Anyways, vote if you liked this, comment below if you've been watching too and if you'd like me to do more rants on TV shows in the future.

Later, folks


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