28) Public self - degradation

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This is one of my biggest pet peeves and trust me, I have a lot.

I just cannot fathom why people publicly degrade themselves. When I say publicly, I mean voicing all your insecurities to the whole class. I don't mind if they confide their insecurities to a couple of friends because that's none of my business but if I can hear you moaning about how ugly you are or how fat you are or how dumb you are then you are pretty lucky I didn't tell you to fucking shut up. God knows what's keeping me from saying that and restraining me to a mere few eye rolls and grunts.

Like, yesterday, some girl in my Art class was moaning about how she wasn't clever enough to get into a particular college because she got a C in Urdu.

That's like saying I'm ugly because I wear glasses.

It's stupid. (That girl got a few As, that was the only C she got)

People have weaknesses, you can't be good at everything though you wish you were. And you gotta accept that and not just denounce yourselves as the worst because you've got a couple of blemishes.

And before y'all start accusing me that I don't know what it's like to have insecurities, I do. I'm still a person, not superwoman. I got a C in my Urdu GCSE last year too. Do I suddenly think I'm too dumb to get into that college? Hell, no.

I do know what it's like to doubt your talents, to doubt yourself but no one else knows this. No one else knows what you think about yourself and why do you want to lower their opinion of you just because of a few damn insecurities that will fade?

No one thinks you're dumb because you got that C. You know why? Because half the people don't care (as much as this may hurt) and the other half are your friends who won't think of you like that. No one thinks you're ugly because you got a few spots in your face because of the aforementioned reasons.

When I say people don't care, I mean they got their own problems to worry about and they don't have time to be thinking "er ma gerd, she's sooooo dumb, can you believe her?

Of course there are the bullies who are the exception but that's not what I'm here to talk about today.

So to all the people out there who are guilty of doing this; stop. Just frigging stop before I make you.

Hope you guys liked this rant, if you did, vote and comment down below about what you think.

Later, folks


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