33) An interview with a feminist

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Me: Welcome to the Isabella show, it's a pleasure to have you here. Now, tell me what it's like to be a woman?

Her: How dare you say woman?! It's spelt and pronounced as womyn,  not woman.

Me: And why has the spelling that has been in the Oxford dictionary for hundreds of years been changed?

Her: Because it contains the word, "man". Duh (!)

Me: I see, so what would happen to all the words containing the word, "man" such as sportsmanship and superwoman.

Her: That's not my problem, bitch!

Me: Watch the language, we have children watching. Anyways, what do you think of the rights of women in modern day Britain?

Her: Womyn get no rights at all compared to men! Womyn get paid less than men, it's an official statistic, you know. All men are sexist pigs who demean womyn and don't give womyn rights.

Me: But wasn't it the men who gave women rights in the first place?

Her: Of course not! Womyn had to campaign for them all the way.

Me: And who gave the women rights in the end? Cows? Like after the World War and it was cows who have women the right to vote?

Her: Why do you care so fucking much anyways? The basic idea is that men are sexist animals and women need to take away their rights and take over the world.

Whoops. Did I just say that out loud?

Me: Yes, you did. I had no idea whatsoever that that was the main aim of feminists all along.  I genuinely thought feminists wanted nothing more than equal rights for men and women.

Her: Are you done mocking me now?

Me: Not quite. And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have a feminist admitting what their ulterior motives are. I hope I have enlightened you all on what was such a glaringly obvious issue anyway.

How many of you are feminists now?

Good night!


Oh and to all the people out there who are probably offended by this, I'm not sorry. That is basically what feminism has turned into now and while there is absolutely nothing wrong in wanting equal rights, I highly suggest not calling yourself a feminist.

Goodbye for reals now, folks


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