5)Hot topics in The Cafe

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Today's rant is about those threads you see in The Cafe that definitely shouldn't be there and often blow out of control.

These threads are ones like : "Your opinion on gay marriage" or "abortion" or "suicide". And other similar, controversial topics.

First off : for the people who made the threads, have you not read The Cafe Guidelines? I'm copying and pasting it from the actual page :

1. Please avoid hot-button topics, this club is for relaxing and getting to know each other but not for heated debates.

2. The Cafe is not the place for suicide and self-harm threads. These are serious issues that truly need professional attention.

I don't know if you people noticed but these are the first rules posted just in case the teenagers with a shorter attention span than a 2 year old don't quite manage to reach the bottom of the page. It clearly states, "no heated debates".

Posting threads about suicide and abortion and having other people's opinions is going to cause a debate. I'm hoping you people learnt something new today. These topics are some of the most controversial subjects known to man and often involve religion. People also tend to feel strongly about these topics so without a shadow of a doubt will one of those threads explode like a bomb within minutes.

I never take part on these threads because I don't need a bunch of bitches and douches eating me alive for my own opinion. I'm just glad nobody can bitch-slap each other in these threads otherwise there would be a lot. And I mean, a lot.

To be honest, I don't even see many good threads nowadays in The Cafe besides the stupid ones like "wanna be my friend?", "follow for follow", "any guys on here", "share your story" and of course, the controversial ones. The Cafe is supposed to be a place to socialise and talk about things other than writing and reading.

Not a place where everyone has a complete disregard for the rules and thinks they can post whatever they like.

There is a reason why rules exist. To keep order. To stop bad things happening. Why do you think laws in the country exist? Because the government thinks its a great idea?

No. Of course not. The government isn't that stupid. Well, at least mine isn't. I don't know about yours though. Laws exist for a reason. And so do rules.

So, for the love of God, next time, please, read the rules, it doesn't take that long and create a thread which I would actually want to go on.

Because most days, the only good threads I see in The Cafe is the Indians' thread and the Procrastinator thread. Both of which I'm a part of. Because I make more friends on those threads than anyone would make on the "wanna be friends threads."

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Later folks


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